Resetted the clock again. 2nd day sober

Thanks @JazzyS I’m doing ok. Just having extreme mood swings and craving lots of sugar but I guess it’s just this time of a year :see_no_evil: I don’t skip workouts so at least that is in order​:sweat_smile:


Hey Yoostyna – hang in there my friend - the beginning was intense for me with the mood swings and it took at least 6 months to get my sugar cravings regulated. Glad you are staying committed to the gym - the work outs can help with endorphins and also keep you busy not thinking of your urges.

You are doing great - always lovely to hear from you.


Thank you @JazzyS I didn’t even know it’s a “normal” body reaction… just kept blaming myself with the lack of discipline :neutral_face: I guess I need to increase cardio :sweat_smile::see_no_evil: I’m just really low on energy so that’s a struggle.

be gentle with yourself - - it is definitely normal and so is the low energy… don’t push too hard as your body is going through major detox and getting itself regulated again.

no blame – be proud of your accomplishments!

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