Pay raise?
Top middle is missing U
Middle left is missing C
Middle right caps spell ‘my work’
I would say right middle is behind in my work
Bottom middle could be 3 blind mice, because there are 3 mice with no i
Middle left is “long time, no see”
Behind in my work?
And the word “TIME” is skinny and stretched out long:
It is “long time no see”!
Edit to add - @Lisa07 i see you already got that
I think top left is either “pay raise”, like @TrustyBird was saying, or maybe it’s “pay gap”
So… who won?
Whose job is it to place the next riddle?
@Dolse71 was the winner and he posted the rebus-like puzzles. If you have a good one, go for it @Matt.
Ok, here we go:
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 1/2 goat?
…it’s a good one. I’ve heard it before so will give someone else a chance
There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza…
I’ll hand the mantle over to you as I didn’t even post a riddle.
Took a while, Chicago
You got it!
Your turn -
What has an eye but cannot see?
Is it a Potato?
No, not a potato
A sewing needle?
Correct .