Riding the struggle bus

Hi all, im lex im an alcoholic. I am 1 week out of treatment. I am only 35 days sober. Treatment was a great expierence for me. I was scared and a little sad to leave. I didnt want to stay there, i was ready to get home to.my wife, but the simplicity and schedule and positivity the routine is something i enjoyed. I have been home a week, and am struggling the last 2 days. Has anyone been In the same situation? I need to get to a meeting and just need aome support right now. I hope youre all well, thank you.


Hey Lex - 1st of all — A huge congrats on your 35 days
Welcome to this community!! this community if filled with love / support and comfort – stay connected here - i find it to be very helpful to be here and also a great distraction.

I would definitely get out to a meeting asap or at least find one online - you are super vulnerable being back in your daily routines (ie - you are one week sober within daily tasks) – Do whatever you can to get you your IRL support. Possibly look for a sponsor too.
While you are at home - find activities / hobbies you can do to keep you occupied and clear of urges.
We are here for you virtually! Wish you all the luck and do hope to see you around.


Welcome Lex! We’ve all been there. Don’t diminish your 35 days, that’s great! Reaching out here is a great way to be with like minded people when you can’t get to a meeting. Have a look around the forum and feel free to ask any questions. Best wishes


Big warm welcome from me Lex, you are doing absolutely amazing…im here for you, vent to us any time on here, you might feel like your riding the struggle bus right now but you dont have to ride it alone we are all in this together :heart: :people_hugging:


Thank you! Im just stagnant. I start work again tomorrow and have been cleaning, doing yard work, painting, reading. I feel like if im sitting still something is wrong, im bored even when busy. Juat restless I guess. Craving very hard today. I had asked someone to be my sponsor but he was standoffish and i havent heard back ao i assume he didnt want to, which kinda sucks but ill just keep looking. How do you pick a sponsor?


Its great thst you are keeping active.
Being boted when you are busy? I do hope that goes away once you get back to work and start up your meetings (filling the voids).
Im sorry tgat the person you reached out to is not replying. Dont give up. Ive heard that it can take many tries to find the perfect fit. Best option is to go to a meeting. Talk to those willung to sponsor. Ask them the questions you need for what you are looking for in a sponsor…ie- are they available via phone at any time of day, on weekends etc. Can they call you back within a certain time when you feel in crisis?
I believe the intherooms app has on line meetings and also offers sponsors.
If urges are bad now - try to find a online meeting now or keep your self occupied like you have been…hopefully the cravings dont last long. You can also use the search tool above to see how others may have found sponsors

Best of luck with your first day back to work tomorrow


Congrats on your sobriety. Now that you are outta rehab you still need to apply what you learned.

To find a sponsor go to various meetings. Each meeting has a different feel. Listen to peoples shares and if you find someone who has what you want go ahead and ask them. You could also share that you are looking for a sponsor if they go around the room.

Remember to be vigilant. Openminded. And willing. To do whatever possible to stay sober.


If you’re heading back to work today, a good plan would be to go to a meeting as soon after as possible.


A cold water plunge will give you a 3 hour dopamine hit. I used this trick in early sobriety to sooth myself. The trick is get the water as cold as possible and stay in as long as you can. 40° for 7 minutes was my barrier. I dont do it anymore, but I have been day dreaming about it lately. Stay strong, mind over matter :muscle:


Yes to the cold water plunge! I was unable to do wholw body so did manage with face and feet. The ice water was surprisingly refreshing and it helps with tightening skin so a bonus.

Best of luck @Justlex with work today.


How does the cold water thing work? Im curious ive been extremely anxious.


Thank you! Im here now, on a smoke break before we get busy. This is a hard industry to work in, and be in recovery but i have talked to lota of chefs who have done it.

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Use a tub and cold water, a bag of ice if your water doeant get good and cold. I just go by feel as far as how cold I like it. An off season pool works real well. Jump in and stay in as long as you can. I worked up to a 7 minute timer. The longer you go the better. :cold_face:


It may be harder in your industry to quit but its never an impossible task. Many have and will quit and you are no different. Just remember that it doesn’t work unless you work it.
I’m glad you are doing well on your 1st day back to work!!! Do you have a meeting lined up for after work?

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It works if you work it, sucks if you dont!
I dont have a meeting lined up. I love in a pretty small town they only offer 1 at 7 p.m mon-fri and there iant one on Wednesdays. Thinking maybe i can find a late night one

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I think ull try that, thank you for the tip!

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So true my friend…
Try “intherooms” or “everythingAA” app or google other online meetings in your area - should be able to jump on a meeting. You don’t necessarily have to speak or even turn on your camera until you are comfortable.
Wishing you all the best!