Robert Smith - First Take

Hello to all! I want to share the point where it all clicked in my head to become sober. Two yrs ago I turned on First Take on ESPN. Aldon Smith, an NFL football player, had gotten his 3rd DUI I believe. The talk show hosts had Robert Smith (a college athlete star and NFL running back) on the show to talk about alcoholism. He spoke about his struggles with alcoholism and it hit me right then and there that I needed to become sober. I’ve had my ups and downs but his speech keeps me on a great mindset whenever I think about possibly relapsing. The link is below, but If that doesn’t work simply search “Robert Smith first take” in YouTube.

I hope this helps keep focus on days where we wonder why we fight for what we fight for


There is a great 30/30 ESPN episode of the basketball player from Boston. (can’t remember his name right now.)

Great post. Enjoyed his take on what worked for him. Thanks for sharing it.

Great post - when you google alcohol abuse there are loads of stars going through it as well - just shows that no-one is immune to it.

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