Rough Test This Week

This week will be a definite trial for me. I’m almost at 60 days sober. Never been happier, felt great, sex is better (sorry but it’s true), and my relationship with my wife is the best it has been in 15 years. However I’m on government order this week. I’m traveling for homeland security training and is a requirement every year for myself along with several from my state to attend this week of really good food and all the free alcohol you want. Hell government work has a lot of great perks. I can’t remember anyone who I haven’t been around who hasn’t taken of the forbidden cup or can. Being around friends I have grown to love and trust and always have several or too much to drink with this week will be a challenge. I know my mindset is different I want to stay sober, I want to continue this road of recovery, but I fear this may be my biggest challenge yet. Good vibes and prayers for me this week would be appreciated. 1 day at a time !!


Congrats on how far you’ve come @CSean! Make a list whether mental or on paper of all your reasons you stated above of the positives of being sober. All amazing reasons! Keep it with you and read often. Stay strong and diligent. You got this!

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Play the tape to the end and think of how crappy you’ll feel afterwards and then don’t do it- you got this! 60 days is amazing