Runners and other fitness freaks

Down to 28.53 for my 6km today, don’t know where it came from but the last 1km I ran in 4 mins 15 seconds. That’s 2 minutes off my time on Thursday.
Feeling a real high.


Right, I’m ready to restart my fitness! Thank you for posting, i find this very inspiring… Shall we create a separate checkin in to keep us accountable? :slight_smile:


Just check in here. It’s what I was intending, more a topic for people updating their efforts and progress. If you have a different idea start a topic and I’ll join in

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Still doing the T25 program. Omgosh, the workout today kicked my booty. So many burpees and squat thrusts and spider plank pushups…lol didn’t even know that was a thing… anyway feels great.

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I forgot how exhausting first trimester pregnancy is. It’s all I can do to get the energy to get my workouts in and then I’m super out of breath while doing them! Yikes!

But, pushing through to keep my healthy habits going for myself and now this little one I’m growing. I’m thinking of doing some good legwork today!


Congratulations, didn’t realise you are expecting. Delighted to hear it x

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Just found out a few days ago. It was a bit of a surprise to me!

Thank you!

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How exciting @MrsJones! Congratulations!!

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Thanks! I’m really excited about it!


Touch rugby injury tonight. :blush:

Much better than a hangover!


Ouch. Better than a thumping head ache and dry vomiting though :joy:

Ouch!! Hope it gets to feeling better soon!

Great job :clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5: I walked 3miles today I have been twice a week my goal is to go back 5 times a week 30min workout my diet hasn’t been good but working on it let’s do this guys fitness for life



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Thanks!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations, that’s amazing news!!! :slight_smile: x

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Im in the same boat!10wks
Good job keeping up your workouts, its tough feeling constantly exhausted.
Just bought new workout shoes and Ive only used them twice.

10 weeks! Congratulations, Mama! I’m at 6 weeks, still super early in. Hopefully your energy comes back in a few weeks!

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Thank you! It’s something I’ve wanted for a really long time!

I had a good week for exercise. Two runs, 1 swim plus light strength training every day.

My darn weight didn’t budge but I will keep at it. It’s so good for my mental state