Running out of ideas

Thanks Lisa! That would be exactly something I’d need to look in to.


IOP really was my saving grace. I went 3 nights a week from 5:30-8:30 since I work full time during the day. That and therapy. Lots of therapy lol


To add some personal experience: I too struggle with depression and mild social anxiety. Gamechangers for my quality of live were a self-induced medication for hypothyreosis I forced on my GP (my levels were “normal” but I was suicidal due to exhaustion from daily life, SSRI didn’t work), a constant high level intake of vitamin D (helps tremendously with depression and allergies) and at least a good psychiatrist who put me on a low dose of SSRI I react on. This all made me a new person - myself again!!! - and made me capable to deal with life, have fun, set boundaries, figure out problems and move on heading a good life. You will reach a calm, good life. What helped me was cutting back. I quit my job, did some exhausting family things, went back to university, bought a farm, lost my nerves 100times. It was worth it. Now I run my own business and fuck the rest of the world. Lot of responibility, no-one to report besides myself and collection office. For me, THAT is degree of freedom I need to prosper. When times are hard and straining, this keeps me up and moving.
Send you good vibes :pray::rainbow:


Hi this is the zoom code for the AA marathon meeting; 292 371 2604
No password is required, give it a try, you dont have to have you camera or audio, so you can just it in to listen and get comfortable with it.

Its 24hrs so anytime. :slightly_smiling_face:


Have you read William Porter’s books Alcohol Explained and Alcohol Explained 2? Focuses on the scientific aspect of alcohol’s effect on brain chemistry and was a total game changer for me…


No, but I’ll give it a try! Always liked Allen Carr, but it didn’t work for me long term.

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Yeah, but never committed to doing it. Starting to dawn on me that I probably should if I want real results. Thanks!

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Thanks, I’ll definitely check it out!


I like your comment about cutting back on stress, notice a lot of my drinking comes from “stress relief,” which obviously only adds more. I’ve always found good results when I try and do less and just enjoy life. But then I get sucked back into our 21st century consumer world, restart the rat race, and boom - relapse. Thanks!

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This sounds like my 6 year merry go round. I’m only ten days sober but this Is the first time I’ve reached out for help like this group. Just being active in it and it reminding me to write a journal entry helps for me


What is the link for this meeting?

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Thank you for the recommendation i havd just purchased this, i am glad i seen this post, Thankyou, it could just be what i need right now.

Its on the app zoom and you just type the code in and its the 24 hr marathon meeting. Apologies for late reply.

This link takes you directly to the zoom meeting for AA.