Sadly reset my clock today

I know if I drink 2 beers it will settle my heart rate down and then tomorrow I work so my anxiety will be less. I’m home alone and only a few hours since my last drink. Heart pumping. Light headed. I really cut out any friends I had due to their partying… and I don’t have family. My daughter lives in Vegas but she is away. I’m going to monitor how I feel. And the ambulance is my option. I just wish I knew a way to get my heart settled down tonight so I don’t have to drink to do it. I feel my BP is up. Thanks for listening

Do you know how to take your pulse? If so do it now and let me know ASAP okay?

If not I’m happy to help you.

Uploading… I knew it was a little high I could feel it. It’s been worse after binges before tho. I will seal out some help

Tried to add the pic if my BP home monitor , it’s having trouble uploading. It’s 164 over 108

I don’t know the medical side but I just took a back and forth hit and cold shower that took my mind off wanting a drink now it’s bed with ac and Dan to fight the hit and cold swets gotta love day 1 again

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Find your pulse on your wrist with your fingers. Count the beats for 15 seconds using a clock with a second hand on it. When finished multiply by 4 and that is your pulse. Got it?

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911 may be your best option at this time

I personally keep a lot of supplements around.

Unfortunately, I had a few relapses in the past.

So, I keep thiamine, fish oil, multi-vitamin, B-complex, magnesium and emergen-c.

I take them all everyday even when I’m 90 days sober, except for the emergen-c.

Just pay real close to DTs that’s clearly trouble. I always find going on a brisk walk or to gym no matter how crappy I feel helps a lot. Get those endorphins pumping. When you exercise your blood vessels expand dropping your BP. I’m not a medical professional just works for me. Don’t be afraid to seek medical assistance.


Thank u. Packing up to take my dog to our little park and walk it off. Feeling a little better after chatting here. Thank u. Won’t let this get me

Just didn’t work. It was easier to just get a drink. Looking for tomorrow to be easier since I work. Thanks for everyone’s help. You are all heros!!

just relapses…not a big fault…come back being more stronger…cheers

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hey there, i exactly know how you feel.
i hope you are ok? sobriety is so worth it, i believe in you! you can battle that, i can so can you! please stay safe ok?

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Results won’t be immediate. If they were we’d be too busy walking our dogs instead of posting here.

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I feel your pain. I got a new job about two weeks ago. I have to be up and moving by 6am at the latest. I missed two days already from being sick in the morning. I have tapered off to about a six pack on some nights, but that obviously is not working. I binged yesterday because I do not have to work. So back to square one of feeling like crap, shaking and battling the urge to have “just one or two in order to feel better”, which I know will lead to an all day drink-a-thon and hiding it from my family (trying to hide it, they see my personality change)…ugh. The struggle is real. Hang in there and remember you can do this!


Peachy! Anyone else?

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Starting over this morning. Day one is about to unfold for me. Checking in here and reading here keeps me sober. Just like my meetings and going to the gym. I have been on a non stop binge for over a.month and I woke up this morning!! Literally! Woke up and decided I’m ready to quit again!! I stopped drinking late last night. In the middle of my last binge last night I decided I needed to stop! I drank a ton of water and then starting juicing lol.
Woke up this morning feeling “so-so” I tried to delete this original post (and couldn’t figure out how) lol . I hate seeing the crap I say when I’m in my alcoholic career😠 so I decided to suck up the shame lol. And say that I need this app and I need sober people in my life. And I like to be in a group of people who know how I feel. Back at it again. DAY ONE in progress… I’m on 5 hours of being sober …
Happy labor day all!! And happy sober days to come for all of us:)


Thank you for the support and replies. I was out of my mind here and active in my drinking… I apologize for not replying back through this post. But I went ahead and continued drinking after this post and didn’t stop. I hate how selfish I am when all I want is booze as my friend. Sad thing is "its not a friend, it’s the enemy"
I watched alcohol kills and a few shows on utube that I saw mentioned here and they really woke me up! I still drank after watching them last week.
But today is day one for me (a few hours in):+1:


All these replies are so kind. I couldn’t even focus or read them at the state I was in . I look back now and I just appreciate all the kind words. I am coming back stronger now and I learned a lot from this recent relapse.
I seriously have been at this for too fn long!! I should know better by now, that I can’t be sober for 2 weeks and then think I can handle “just one beer” "just one glass of wine"
It happens to me time and time again. I can’t drink and to be honest with you on this last almost 2 month binge I have felt like crap, tired, gross, lazy. Grouchy… sleepless, not going to the gym not walking my dog! Or making extra trios to see my daughter. Missing appointments. Calling sick from work!!
Why?? Why do and feel all that? For alcohol! Lol kinda silly when you think about it.