Sara's Journey

Day 6 complete. It’s been a good day. Had my psychiatrist this morning and then did some cleaning around the house.
I got a sponsor last night and today we were able to get a little more into what she’d like me to do. I let her know I’m willing to do anything. I’m ready. Thank you God.


I wake up and pray, get my dogs breakfast ready, let her outside, I take my meds, go to an AA zoom meeting, come on here to see what’s going on with everyone and to see what I can learn, I keep busy with something or another during the day, spend time with my Dad when he gets home from work, take meds, pray and go to bed. (This is just the just if it)
I’ve been tired the last two days. I’ve been fighting sleep for some reason though. I need to look up some guided meditation. Calm this racing mind some.
Thank you so much :purple_heart:

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I found a sponsor last night and we talked more in depth today. She knows I’m willing to do anything for my sobriety. I’m excited to work with her.
She’s got me back in the Big Book already :blush:
I’m an isolator, but know I can’t do this alone. I need my people, and to reach out to them.
Thank you all for your wonderful input and reminders. :purple_heart:

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Congrats on day one. Keep going!

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Day 7. A little scattered this morning as I slept through my alarm. I got showered and all purty for my job interview, which went very well I I do say so myself. Drug test on Monday or Tuesday. I’m not even worried about. :pray:
I’m so tired today. I don’t want to do anything. I did go to my normal Key West zoom AA meeting. :purple_heart:


You are doing great keep it up.
I’m glad the interview went well and sounds like it’s going to be convenient being close. It sure is nice not having to cheat drug test. I like it when they give me my ransoms at treatment because I don’t have to do the math and hold my breath.

Keep it up you’re awesome

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It truly is a wonderful feel peeing and know you have nothing to worry about. They can play with my pee all they want. Haha.
I’m feeling pretty awesome today. (I rarely feel that way) I am emotionally exhausted already. Using my brain power for once. Lol. Im happy and could fall asleep right now. It’s just a little to early.

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But day 7! I haven’t had that long being so er in so many months. I did 90ish from last Christmas, relapsed, barely got 45, relapsed. From there, I couldn’t hold together 2-3 days. That was just unfathomable. But here I am, day flippin 7! I’m feel proud. Thank you God for having me right where you need me. :pray::purple_heart:


Day 8 completed. On day 9 today (it’s 3am). It was a good day. Went to an AA meeting, took Sophie (my dog) for a nice car ride, talked with my sponsor, did dishes, played with the keh kehs. All things I haven’t done consistently for quite some time. Just feeling blessed today.
Thank you God.


Great job Sara keep it up!

The sleep will catch up soon.
Have a blessed weekend Im going to eat something then do some service work at my church. Good thoughts and prayers.

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I know it will, just feels like forever waiting for the sleep to be “normal” again.
That’s awesome that you’re doing service work. I’m proud of you! What exactly does service work all entail? I’ve never done service work.

Ending day 9. I’ve had a wonderful day today. I went to a women’s meeting this morning which was a great meeting. I talked to my sponsor afterwords and we had a heartfelt conversation which truly means so much to me. Dad, my pupper, and I went for a color ride and we had a lot of fun getting out around a couple of state parks to walk around. Not a lot of color because of the weather this year, but it didn’t matter. The ride and being together while I’m sober made my heart full today.
I went to an ODAAT meeting (both meetings were zoom meetings) which happened to be a speaker meeting tonight. I love speaker meetings. It was refreshing to go to a night time meeting. I talked again with my sponsor afterwards.
Now I’m about to spray the porch for spiders and hopefully go to bed.
Also! I got a call back from the Kwik Trip I interviewed at on Thursday. I didn’t expect him to call until Monday or Tuesday (because this is what he had said) and we finish up my interview tomorrow morning! Yay!
I’m feeling very blessed today. (I’m blessed everyday, just really feeling it today)
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far :heartbeat:
Lots of love from me and again, thank you all for being encouraging and always having something nice to say.
God bless.


Thats good to be hitting meetings as much as possible early on in recovery it did so much for me to get the message everyday. The longer i go without one feels like something is not right about me something about my spiritual condition that it helps me to remain humble and to keep working on my character defects. Im glad to hear that you had a great day.:pray:


I have a sponsor I’m really connecting with this time around. I learned a lot from my first sponsor, but I apparently just didn’t get it or it didn’t stick, maybe I just wasn’t ready. All I know is I’m right where God needs me to be.
I’ve been doing a meeting a day, but that’s a good idea. I’m going to bump 'er up to two, or maybe three when I can. I’m thankful my sponsor has been suggesting new meetings to me. Now that I want to go, I’m really enjoying them.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful day as well. This lady is going to try and get some sleep. The pupper has been in bed for a while now and just came out to get me.
May you have a good night’s rest.

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I went to church and put up Christmas lights on the roof. Just giving some of my time is helpful to me. I need to be humble every chance I get so I don’t fall into old thinking especially while I am so early in recovery. This is a great time of year to find volunteer work.
I’m glad things are moving forward with the gig. It’ll be nice to add to your daily routine. I can’t wait for school to start just to fill my days.


That’s cool. I’ve been meaning to get back to church. I watch online sermons sometimes, but I’ve really been wanting to go to an in person sermon lately. (do weird to say “in person”.
If you don’t mind me asking, what are you going to school for?
PS. I got the job :grin: I start Tue.

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Day 10 completed. Had another good day. I went to the Key West online AA zoom meeting after getting home from the rest of my job interview. I got the job :blush: and start Tuesday. I’m excited to have something more set in stone to do during the day.
I hung out with Dad and took a fat nap.
I did have some cravings/thoughts about drinking early this afternoon, but didn’t act upon them. My brain so badly wants to go into autopilot with drinking. Sad? Drink. Happy? Drink. Angry? Drink. Overwhelmed? Drink. Excited? Drink. I’ve fed all my emotions a drink. I need to figure out what to “feed” them now because drinking and drugging is off the table.
Overall it was a great day though.


Great work sara, you are a strong person, day 9 wow, wish i was strong like you, was sober for 5 days , but this weekend i relapsed, keep it up👏

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I’m going for a bachelor of social work. My old butt back in school should be interesting lol.
I’m glad you have a start date.

Double digits! You rock keep it up!

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Thank you. Tomorrow is a new day. You’ve got this. Do you have a sponsor or go to meetings?
This is longest I’ve had in many months after relapsing. I’ve been going to online AA meetings on zoom.

There’s 24hr AA meetings you can go to on this site if you wish.
I haven’t worked the steps until January of this year. Yes, I still relapsed. Going to these meetings has helped and I got a new sponsor. I believe in you. Hugs

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