It’s Saturday night and I am staying in. I know if I go out I will end up drinking, and I want to wake up sober to tomorrow. Friends ask why I don’t come out anymore, but right now I need to worry about me. A night movies and sleep is what I need. And maybe a cheat meal or two. It’s hard not to drink, because it’s been 19 days and I feel like I can handle it now. But I know it’s not worth it. Just will waste my money, be hungover tomorrow, and feel worse. So I and my staying strong. Anyone have a suggestion for a movie on netflix let me know
Lol thank you. I will definitely check it out
@Atticus880 u are on the right track . As u Said u need to think about u and do what is good for you. Im too staying in .im very used to that now . I dont think about alcohol and drugs as i used to be . Movies and candle lights !
Thanks. It’s hard but then when it gets late enough the chance is gone and I’m good. I’m thinking pizza, movie, and maybe some games. Ha
Enjoy stay With the right focus
Nice! I lifted weights for a hour and a half and did one and one training I muay thai. Definitely got and good work out. Cant wait to wake up sober tomorrow and have energy to get stuff done. You and I are close to the same days. We could check in with on one another. Keep on right track, especially things get hard
Awesome done guys . Happy
Damn straight. I usually get ice cream if I craving to drink.