Scared and Anxious for pay day

I’m going into 48 free from opiates (5th try), my symptoms are horrible. And i’m anxious for payday this week. I’m more scared I won’t be able to see this through once i get my deposit notification. I honestly don’t know if i’m anxious to get paid to buy drugs or if i’m anxious because I know it’s going to be a challenge. :frowning: :pensive:


Welcome! Glad you found us. Opiate withdrawal was horrible and it’s one of the reasons I’ll never go back. This could be the last time you go through it too. Put as much effort into your sobriety as you put into getting drugs and you’ll be successful too.

If you’re worried you’ll spend your paycheck on drugs, consider giving your bank card to a family member or very close friend. I watch my savings add up on the counter and it’s over $44K in 2 years. That’s insane, right? That’s conservative at $60 a day. Watching that savings fuels my sobriety these days. Think about all the great things you can do with that money you’re not spending on drugs.

Wishing you the best on your journey to a better life.


That’s a great idea!! Thank you so much for your response. I’m really going to try and push through cuz as you said , i know so much money is being wasted and I don’t ever want to go through this feeling again. I just can’t!!!


Welcome @Yumeko81. Well done on 48hrs and on choosing sobriety and on coming here. Stay here, you will find lots of support. My thing was alcohol, 20 days sober now. Whilst I don’t know what opiate addiction and trying to quit it is like, I can empathise with addiction. My alcohol problem wasn’t a payday destroyer, but I can very much empathise with you there. I, for many years had a terrible gambling addiction…that was absolutely a paycheck killer. Month after month after month, for years. I lived in a cycle of screwing all my pay in a few hours of it going in the bank. Then I would have to get payday loans to pay bills, borrow money off friends and family, tell countless lies in the process. Idioticly stressful. One thing I ended up having to do was hand my finances over to my dad, I just couldn’t trust myself with money. Maybe you could consider asking someone you trust for that kind of help…while you concentrate on fighting your addiction. But yes, stay here, please. It’s not just us helping you,…by sharing, you’re helping us. Thank you. Stay strong, get your life back in your hands :muscle:

Hi! I am a recovering opiate addict. 19 months for me and I totally understand what you are saying. Basically money is a huuuuuge trigger this early in your recovery. As what everyone suggested I would give it to a trusted family member especially since you are in early symptoms of withdrawal and just remember once you get through this hell it only gets better. Make sure you have a solid plan to go through so you never have to go through this again because let me tell you life is AMAZING when you don’t wake up every day dope sick waiting to get your next fix. So hang in there remember this too shall pass.

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In the beginning i just got paid and went straight home. I didnt hang out with no one or hung out with co workers after work to bullshyt as i knew i couldn’t trust myself. After some time it gets easier and you will begin to find new routines, hobbies, or interest. Think about some things you have been wanting or wanted to renew for a while and save up toward it. Maybe u have things to catch up on money wise that u can begin to tackle now. Then u can reward urself with something that has some value and can be enjoyed for more then a few hours. not something that takes ur money and just lights it on fire with nothing to show from it.