Yes maam! Thanks to you and everyone here for being such a positive force in my life. You all embraced me on that sad day back in September and made me feel less shame regarding sobriety journey! I truly appreciate you all!
Most welcome my friend – love this community for all the reasons you mentioned. We really are stronger together and happy to be among folks that understand our struggle
Same. It really helps make it easier!
Look at You! Showing up every time you doubt yourself … to Remind yourself you did this! And you can do This ,every single time.
Weeee gotchu.
Keep Showing Up
Yeah 5 weeks Lam!!!
Way to go friend …you are doing great
Thank you. Sorry to hear acupuncture not successful. Hoping pain free soon.
Awe thanks friend.
Loving the number – keep it going
Love reading this
keep up the amazing work
Alcohol and stimulant free
Cigarettes free
Weed free
I just cant believe all of those numbers…
I started the gym today!! I am really excited!!
Sending all of you lots of love 🫶🏻
loving the days friend – you are doing amazing on your journey!
Half a month I’ve really been craving an ice cream from the Paleta Bar so not sure if I’ll make it to a month. I’m mostly focused on the binging, not the occasional treat