Congratulations on your 2 years! . That’s an impressive amount of day ones
731, to be precise!
I vote for Irish breakfast and a cat
As I get ready to set sail for opening pull on my seventh sober crab season, i feel grateful that my desire to drink is low. And my defenses against the first drink are high.
Falling for that first drink is why my years sober and my sober seasons do not match.
Its that first drink that gets ya!
Thanks for asking. I’m still at the psych ward and I’m gonna ask my doctor if I could stay here until 27th Dec, because Xmas is emotionally so hard. I’m really anxious and sad at the moment, my past won’t leave me alone. I’m dwelling in my mistakes, missed opportunities, how I have fucked up so many relationships and situations being wasted for decades. But I’m glad I’m safe in here. ODAAT. How are you doing?
Great work David! 30 days is awesome work …glad you are in a safe space and taking care of yourself. ODAAT friend
Thank you so much, Jazzy! Hugs.
Im glad you are safe! I hope the staff can help you
Hey all, checking in on day 1648. I hope everybody has a good one!
Let’s keep any kind of falling off your todo list. Ok?
I love crab. Thanks to you it is available for us crab lovers. On my menu for this weekend!
Congratulations on 30 days.
We have over 7000 pounds on th boat!