Second Weekend After Quiting

This is my 2nd weekend sober and I feel myself getting FOMO and my husband drinks so I feel even more left out because drinking on the weekends was our thing
I smelt the drink he was drinking and instantly started craving it and than thinking “what’s one sip?”
I didnt do it but sad the thought crossed my mind and wanted advice and maybe stories in how to overcome this


Making the decision to stay sober and resisting the temptation like you have is a huge accomplishment! Congratulations to you! The thought will continue to cross your mind and there’s nothing you can do about that. It’s what you do with those thoughts that you’re responsible for. I haven’t had a drink in over a year, and the thought still crosses my mind. I just don’t do it though. Make friends with people in recovery, continue to interact and read in this forum, stay connected to those who are successfull in sobriety, be grateful for even the smallest accomplishments & be nice to yourself no matter what! Welcome to the group! :blush:


Try shifting your mindset.
I know that for me there a lot of things I Miss out on because I don’t drink.
Things like… disappointing and embarrassing myself and those I love. Getting DUIs. Doing and saying stupid shit. Feeling dead inside. Feeling completely alone all the time. Thinking of suicide.
Gosh, I could go on and on about all the things I’m missing out on.

It’s not like that for normal drinkers. But I’m just not a normal drinker. And I never will be. I have made peace with that. I had to or I never would have been able to stay sober this long.

Remembering why you quit too. Remember the heartbreak and self loathing. The loneliness. Cuz
For us, that’s all that’s waiting on the other side :wink:


Thank you so much :heart:

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Gabe you brought back some great memories!

Here’s all the cool stuff I miss:

Saying idiotic shit on social media
Drunk driving
Arguing violently over nothing
Puking in the bed
Shitting myself while driving
Using a chainsaw in my underwear
Lying awake gibbering from anxiety
Being a goddamn liar about everything
Hating myself all day and night
Scaring really good people who love me
Not being able to protect my family
Hiding booze in the compost heap

I mostly miss being the worst version of myself the world could ever know.


Way to go. This is really hard to do. Stay in it and stay on top of it…keep writing, you are not alone in your struggle!

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I’m proud of you for making it to your second weekend!! It’s especially hard if your partner drinks or does whichever DOC. Something I found that helped me when I was starting to get sober was to drink NA wine. It relaxed the craving part and helped me feel less alone when others were drinking. It’s still tough to be around people drinking, but it does get somewhat easier. Keep on going! :heart::purple_heart:

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Don’t be so hard on yourself…that’s actually a tough situation to be in with only two weekends under your belt! My advice to you is to stay away from alcohol at all-your much likely to crave less if you can’t see or smell what it is you’re craving. Have a conversation with your man and maybe explain to him how triggering that is. He has to be on board with your sobriety but for those who aren’t alcoholics, it’s harder for them to understand why something like this can be so hard. It took several conversations with my boyfriend to fully understand how hard it was for me to not be around it in the beginning, but we can’t just expect them to understand unless we explain it to them. I’m proud of you for not drinking


I’m about to hit my 2 weeks also! It’s just me and my sweet little dog out here in the country , so I don’t have a lot of distraction. But hang in there! You can do it. I’m in school right now and that’s super helping me to stay focused. So find something to do that’s just your own! That you’re passionate about. Do something creative every day!

Much love, Carrie

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