Seeing your old drinking crew and realizing you made the right choice!

Just felt like sharing and starting a thread (I’m sure there’s one out there) for stories of old drinking friends and what it feels like being on the other side of dealing with people who are still alcoholics.

My drinking crew at work was known for starting work early and getting off early so we could drink. We normally met regularly at a bar near work for lunch and commencing to drink for hours on Wednesday and Friday but really any time we felt like it. I still go to lunch and breakfast and am fine I’m not tempted to drink but just be there with friends who I still like even though they still live in those habits.

Today however really pissed me off. One of our crew who normally drives to lunch proceeded to drink tall beers and as the rest of the crew arrived lunch turned into 3.5 hours of them carrying on while me and my best buddy at work who were not drinking grew more pissed as the hours passed. We both had things to finish up and places to be. Finally after our driver hit tall beer number 7 or 8 I lost count, we got up and walked back to work. The bar is 5 minutes walk from the office but I was PISSED. I messaged my wife and told her I’m sorry I ever put her through this kind of shit. I couldn’t believe I used to do this regularly. In this moment I felt what people must have felt when I drank like this. It made me grateful and realize I made the right choice in changing. Needless to say I will be driving myself to lunch and breakfast from now on! To top it off he started getting very mouthy and insulting which is why I finally said “fuck this” and walked out.

Anyone else have experiences with their old crew they still see like this? It’s truly a mind opening to be on the receiving end of alcoholic behavior.


Yes. This is quite common. You are right to not be happy with the situation.


It really just reaffirmed my choice to get sober. The funny thing is the bartender at that place has been sober for 5 years which is cool to me. She helps me see it’s okay to be around alcohol and not partake in it, you can still enjoy yourself without being the asshole who drinks to much :joy:


Your resolve and perseverance are admirable. Carry onwards and upwards to be the best version of YOU!


Yeah, it helps to take see the reality of what drinking looks like versus what we thought it was. Eye opening for sure.


Most of my “friends” turned out to just be drinking buddies. Which is fine, unload unnecessary baggage. As a sobeie, I get amusement out of drunk people, in moderation. It’s like scrolling through the people of Walmart, a guilty pleasure we can all relate to. But sitting with them in close quarters, for hours is exhausting. You did the right thing by walking out.


When I quit, it didn’t go well around my drinking buddies and work friends. I got the message and stopped going. I still see since high school friends, but it’s so infrequent there’s no problem and they don’t get stupid either.


Yeah it’s kinda sad I mean I think what I learned is to just make sure I drive myself when I’m around them and they’re planning on their old routine. I’m fine with an hour lunch and then leaving them to their activities lol. I wasn’t tempted to drink I still care about those people and am friendly with them, I just know where I want my life to go and I’m going to stand up for myself and my choices.


Entertaining drinking friends was always top priority, until, I realized how wretched they were, I severed ties 5 years ago before I quit drinking ironically, when I realized all the talking out the side of their neck they did :roll_eyes::exploding_head: But they are my neighbors, lol so I TRY to stay polite. A few months ago I got the chance to tell one of them in passing I was 4 months sober, that was a good feeling :smirk:


I have a friend who drinks way too much and I cant handle talking to him too much anymore. I notice his ass hole behavior more, probably coz I “feel” it more (im sober, not blocking it out with drinks.) Anyways, yeah its annoying to see that side of alcoholism from others. Makes it a total turn off…


That’s awesome you got to share that with them, who knows maybe your choices will inspire them to change someday! I just care about people and now that I’m aware sobriety is the right place for me I can be present with people and care about them but I’ll be damned if I’ll be disrespected lol I don’t have to deal with that.


That’s how I felt the other day, you make a great point because when I drank I didn’t really notice it. It’s almost like when people like you for being wealthy, they’re around and there for you as long as they get what they need or want on their terms. But as soon as the money is gone it’s a different story. Same with alcohol, everyone is cool as long as you’re doing it too, but when you change it makes them look at their own habits also and they resent you for doing something they can’t or won’t do. The difference for me is I care about people and always want to bring out the best in them up to a certain point when I have had enough disrespect!


Sounds like a real moment of clarity! You are definitely on the right path. :purple_heart: