Self Harm Addiction

It’s been since May-ish 2018 since I stopped self harming. I’ve been clean for 2 years & 10 months and days counting. It’s been extremely hard not doing so.I understand that self harming can be anything a person decides it is, but I mostly mean the “typical” known way of self harming.

Something that’s helped a lot stick to my daily goal of not relapsing is getting tattoos or piercings, something that I love and enjoy getting done, although it’s expensive it helps me reach the next milestone while I save up to get a new tattoo or a new piercing.

What all has helped you guys reach your milestones? And where are you at?


I stopped self harming about 10 years ago, my motivation is covering scars with special tattoos that mean a lot to me


Congratulations on your sobriety! I haven’t self-injured in a year and a half. Mine wasn’t an addiction, though. For me it was a coping mechanism, a survival response one of my personalities developed (I have DID). Therapy was pivotal in my treatment. It took years and many disappointments to find my therapist. She has saved my life…no, she has given me life.

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