Self harming addict

Hi. I currently am trying to fight depression but my coping methos is preety unhealthy and dangerous. I usually cut on my arms and legs. But the weather is getting warm and im embarassed of the scars… i dont wanna show them. I really wanna stop but its so hard… there are times thas if i dont do it, i feel like im going to explode.


i really dont know about self harming, but i did drink and do alot crazy stuff, i hope that your depression goes away, and u feel better.

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Sorry you have to feel this way. Do you have any help like a therapist or so? The self harming is your coping strategy, a therapist can learn you new and healtier ones. I know there are other folks here with self harming problems but I don’t know their names. Maybe someone who read this and knows any can tag them here? Thank you :heart:
Hang in there Sandra, glad you came here!


Good morning… my daughter is 15 and a self harmer … it started at the age of 11… i lodt my home through a breakdown apnd she went to stay with her dad … his ex wife treated my daughter very badly as well as her wanting to live back with myself she had alot of pain inside her and self harmed … she has scars on all parts of her body … my heart breaks 4 my baby … 1 year on and my daughter is back with myself in a lovely home and through counselling theory and lots of talking to myself she has managed to stop i brought her a memory bracket and we put charms on it … she says she looks at the bracelet and thinks happy thoughts of me and her brother… ive managed to sort myself out too … 54 days clean off drug’s… im sorry im not giving advice but things are better… we both got our lifes back again… if u need to talk anytime my inbox is open to u … im a good listener and im praying to god 4 u xxxx


Thank you all for the support… 1 day without cutting


Hey Sandra. I struggle with self harm too. It’s a tough one. I self harmed on and off from my early teenage years until a little over 10 months ago. I still struggle with the urges from time to time, but it’s much, much, much easier than it was on day 1.

I worked a lot with my health care providers (doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, etc.) to treat my underlying mental health situation, and to develop alternative coping skills that could help me get through the worst times without having to resort to self harm. I also am slowly learning to treat myself with the kindness and respect I try to show others. I don’t judge others for it, but I no longer see self harm as acceptable behaviour for me to show towards myself, because I am done letting people hurt me for no greater good. I have a lot of compassion for you, because I think of how I was feeling, which was broken, helpless, and hating myself. I wasn’t actually broken or helpless, but I certainly did need help learning to view my situation differently… a tall order when struggling with depression, but achievable!

Another thing that helped me a lot was learning about addiction. I am also an alcoholic, and the same tools I’ve been using to keep from drinking also work to keep me from cutting. A lot of what I read on this forum applies to self harm as much as it does alcohol or drugs, so I often benefit from reading what others post even if it’s not an addiction I struggle with.

If you dont want to let the scars show, then you don’t have to! It’s your body, so wear what you are comfortable with, and don’t let others cramp your style or push you to do something you’re not ready for. I personally am comfortable with my scars now, so if they show, they show, and I don’t concern myself with it. The main exception would be that I don’t intentionally post any pictures here that show anything that looks like a self harm scar, because I don’t know what feelings it might stir in people who are struggling with it. But that’s just me, and I wasn’t always comfortable like this. Like I said, it’s your body, so you can keep it to yourself, let it show, or take your time and figure out how you want to go about it. No pressure there.

I’m rooting for you, I hope to see you accumulating more days without cutting! 1 day is a great start, and shows that you’re capable of doing another! One day at a time… those 24 hours do add up!

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I may not know much of how bad of a struggle and depression your having to endure but it will get better fighting through my demons and i have many dark moments but togeter and with family we will get through it.

Thank you so much for sharing your story! And for the support. It means a lot to me! I hope i get better one day


Its a matter of time and self challenge i try to challenge myself everyday for that extra minutes of being sober and its hard because im not the one to tell anyone what im going through or what i feel. But like i had mentioned we will get better together and the help of all these wonderful ppl

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