Sexting addiction

Am I alone with this addiction?


Not at all. Patrick Carnes (who has counselled and written extensively on sex and sex-related addictions) wrote In the Shadows of the Net, which is all about sexting, sex chatting, camming, and all that associated sexual acting out through technology:

There’s a good number of people here with various sex-related addictions. They share a lot of similarities. If you search PMO, masturbation, sex addiction, porn, and other similar terms you’ll find them.


There’s an excellent interview with Patrick Carnes about overcoming sex addiction / sexual acting-out addictions:

Have you looked into support groups?

Have you searched for a sex addiction therapist in your city? It helps to find someone who has experience / training with sex addiction recovery.


Fascinating, enlightening, insightful knowledgeable interview. A must see for any addict in my opinion after viewing and listening to it. Thanks for the link @Matt


I’m very much a lover of sexting. How are you dealing with it? It’s HARD for me

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Sexting and sexual acting-out behaviours are complex and there’s layers to unpack: partly it’s personal history, partly it’s intimacy and attachment dysfunction, partly it’s habit change, and there can be other things too.

First and foremost, you need help. Check out the links above for groups where you can get support. Talking Sober is good too but groups like the ones above give structure.

I agree with @Matt , not just because my name is also Matt but because I know from my personal experiences that I was acting out because of intimacy avoidance with my wife.