Shame about my actions when under the influence

Now that ive been sober for 50 days, I am starting to remember how bad I used to act. I think i was depressed and didnt realize it and would do anything to fill the void inside of me. There were times when I’d sleep with different guys a week and feel nothing about it. I was in an abusive relationship with a man twice my age and he made me tattoo his name on myself. Now that im sober, I feel like that person just isn’t me at all. Any advice on how to not feel ashamed and try not to think about those horrible actions and memories?

Positive Mental Reinforcement about what you’re doing now, affirmations and other such stuff. You gotta’ remember the moments you’re looking back on were your drinking days. You wouldn’t have made those decisions necessarily if you’d been sober. That’s why they call it ‘Under the Influence’.

So keep up the good work. Milk every feel good moment in your life right now to counterbalance the negativity of the past and I promise your past becomes a distant blur, almost like another person’s memories.


I had the same issues and still struggle bit i think for me it got better with truly forgiving myself and thanking god that I am still here when quite honestly, I really put myself and a lot of situations where I probably shouldn’t still be. As you make changes and learn to trust yourself and your decisions I think this is easier to do. Hope this helps you.

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I have a counselor and working the steps with my sponsor helped me a lot in the beginning. Believe me, your not alone!! It the story of all addicts and alcoholics life’s. Stay strong.

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It took me sometime to forgive myself for what I have done. What helps me is knowing that I am doing what is best and make up for things I have done . Also, I would not call it shame, I would call it guilt. Guilt is where you did something wrong knowing it so you try to correct it. Shame is an eternal feeling where you feel like you are a bad person and worthless. We cannot redo our past, but we can change our future and become better. Take your pain and suffering and turn it into strength and weaponry

Also, excercise helped me out. Better mood, cleared head and bunch more. Just keep doing what you are doing

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