Shame vs Positivity

I came home the other night to my boyfriend and was blackout drunk. I woke up the next morning to see I had puked all over the floor. I can’t believe he doesn’t want to break up with me. I want to do better for him, to get back on the right track, and to push myself to be the best version of myself I can be.

Before I started drinking, i was extremely devoted to school, and was on track to graduating from an awesome university by age 20. Then I started drinking, and everything changed. I got into terrible relationships that started off with a bad drunken decision. I’m lucky to finally be in a loving, supportive relationship but I’m sabotaging it by being a point of toxicity instead of a strong, clean person.

I feel like I’ve wasted so much of my potential, so much time and money and hurt people in the process. I want that to go away. I hate the feeling of waking up the day after drinking and having the sinking feeling of dread, not knowing what exactly happened, how much money I spent, if I have to apologize to anyone, etc. My anxiety has gone out of control, leading to even heavier drinking. I want to stop this madness. I don’t ever want my boyfriend or anyone I love to have to deal with me as a burden ever again.

So here I am, two days later, deciding I want to live a life of positivity, not one of shame, humiliation or regret. I hope I can stay on track because I fear I’ll end up homeless, dead or in jail if I don’t stop.


Willingness is the first step. You are willing to get better and chance course on your journey. At first it’s not easy because you have an illness that likes to try to manipulate your thoughts and feelings. For awhile, you might want to consider keeping busy so your thoughts don’t go to that bad place.

Good for u for recognizing that u need to change! I’m twice ur age and really wish I could go back and just never started. U can do this and get ur life back on track! U have a lifetime of wonderful, beautiful experiences waiting for u! Don’t let them be lost in the fog of drunkenness!!! Blessings Friend, u r not alone!! :blush:

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