Should I tell my Employer what I'm going through?

Simple question but not sure there is a simple answer…
I have mixed feelings and not sure what to do about it, I’m being more open with the people around me so there is a concern that it could filter back somehow (although unlikely). Wondering if I should face it head on with all the details/ give a very brief summary/ not say anything at all.

No right or wrong answers here just wondering how other people tackled it.


I just got clean without informing my employer.
In my opinion, stigmas usually work against you…


Probably depend on the employer. My boss is a good person, he knows my journey. If I didnt trust him, I probably would have kept it to myself.

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I struggled with this also.
I’m the end i didn’t tell them, and am very thankful i didn’t.
As far as they were concerned i was still doing a great job… To declare anything to them would’ve only made my life more difficult, and i don’t owe any employer any explanations for anything not asked of me directly. Ultimately they are not there to look out for me, but to look out for themselves.


My work puts out a little good news email on fridays so I submitted my sobriety count when I was at around 300 days. My direct lead has since asked me about it on and off and I have given a bit of detail, but otherwise I mostly keep it to myself.


I told my boss at about 10 mos sober. He hi fived me and said proudly “I’m in recovery too!” LOL


That’s definitely the best response you could get! Lol

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Really useful questions that I certainly need to answer before I decide what to do. Thank you this has been really helpful

I haven’t told my employer. They don’t need to know in my opinion. The only time I would have ever mentioned it was if they knew I had problem and it showed and they were 100% aware of it. I missed alot of work but no one had ever approached me about it and I was never high at work. My first time getting clean like 15 years ago I would tell basically everyone that i was a recovering addict. Some people congratulated me, others shunned me bcuz I was a “drug addict”. I learned early on that not everyone needs to know every aspect of my life. I tell people about my recovery if they ask or if there is a need to mention it to help someone else. But some people will judge and cause problems that I don’t need or want to deal with :slight_smile: I guess it would depend if u feel that ur employer knows otherwise actions speaking louder than words. Just do ur best to be the best employee that u can be. Show up for ur shift and be on time. Do the best u can :slight_smile: that’s what I’m doing now for my employer. Being reliable especially :slight_smile:


I have not told my employer, there’s no reason they need to know. I’m doing a good job so that’s something I keep to myself. I would only tell my employer if I was struggling at work and afraid I may be let go, maybe they would have compassion, other than that, no way. Good luck with whatever you decide.


I am not one for sharing my life details with my coworkers especially the boss. I have found over the years by not sharing the details of my life has worked to my advantage. The less people know the better off you are.


I’m pretty blessed to work for an agency that is incredibly supportive of recovery so my experience is different. I started as a client at our syringe exchange program. I am now the Director of all our HIV programs.

As I am very open about my recovery I get to share my story at new hire orientation as well as large community events through my employer. My addiction and recovery gets to teach others to reduce stigma and bias!


I think it really depends on what your job is and what your current situation is with respect to your recovery.

I’ve never told my boss that I’m in recovery because my recovery has no impact on my job. But it would have been different if I were needing to take time off or such for treatment etc. Then I would have been more forthcoming.

But I don’t hide that I no longer drink.


No need to proactively inform your employer, unless you are requesting sick-leave in order to attend in-patient detox. There’s no reason for them to know.


At work i may decline going to a bar after work because im not drinking or casually mention I haven’t drank in however long but no I would not specifically tell a direct supervisor anything I talk about here, non of their business unless I were going to rehab & needed time off, even then details are not their business & could be used against you depending.


recovery is a very big part of my life hard to hide it from my employer or anyone, same can be said when i was using