Changed woman. Awesome to see!
Ob Randa the sadness in your eyes in the older pic. Wow. I’m so glad for where you are now!
There’s a smile in all three photos. But there’s only one where your heart’s in it.
Good for you Lea - well earned
A very touching, relateable and inspiring post, @Jimieg, thank you so much! That first pic is really sad, you look healthy and strong now. All the best to you!
Thank you @Faugxh, first picture was a lost sad soul who had no idea of the strength he had n belief he would find in himself
Your puffy face is caused by the body trying to hold on to water as alcohol dehydrates it. I had the same effect. I couldn’t use eyeliner anymore from some point, my face was so swollen. So weird!! Felt like I couldn’t recognise myself.
Oh really? I didn’t know at that time. I thought that I am just getting fat from all that calories hidden in the alcohol
One man I know is alcoholic and he managed to lose the weight now because he started to ride bicycle a lot. He’s got now very tiny body hut so huge head!!! He looks totally weird.
Well, it’s another inspiration to stop, isn’t it
Thank you for information. It’s good to know. I am glad for both that we’re sober now
Hey Faugxh, I am doing good thank you, Day 23 now. Yes I will be sharing that pic for sure! When you see these transformations pictures (thanks everyone) and read the stories on here, it’s so inspiring. How are you today Faugxh ?
Going strong on day 23, now that’s great to hear!
I’m doing really well myself, thank you! Appreciating the many good things in my life, the work I do for myself and my loved ones, trying not to compare myself to others, trying to be kind to myself, trying not to get stressed out and feel less than.
I love your profile pic to you own a husky?
I always find the transformations here really inspiring too, even more it just makes me glad to see things turn around for people!
Stay strong and check in again!
Thank you all for continuing to post your transformations on my thread.
It brings me so much happiness to see so many people making big changes, and seeing the results.
I’m so happy that each and everyday I can come on here and see if this type of motivation extremely proud to see all of your transformations
Why not. It usually takes me about 6 months to start looking like myself again. The first picture is mid bender in March or April I think. I was blacked out and don’t remember taking the picture. So no idea what that face is The one on the right is about a week ago. Maybe I’ll take a pic a month. Here goes nothing (This is VERY hard for me to share)
You look so much healthier!! Your skin and hair are glowing. Crazy what addiction does not only on the inside but out. Looking great! So pretty!
Thank you @Girlinterrupted for having the courage to reach out and share yourself with us. This is a safe place to get out of our comfort zone so that we are able to grow in our Recovery. Sobriety looks incredible on you, much better than the alternative. Be proud of yourself on how far you’ve come Beth, because we are all proud of you. Keep up the good work my friend. Stay focused and determined in your journey of sobriety. Prayers that your soul continues to be filled with peace and serenity.
Amazing change. Thank you for sharing !
You look like a million sober bucks Bec - good for you!
@Becsta @Girlinterrupted
Fantastic transformations! So moving! I am tempted to take a pic now, post relapse, so I can take another in the future.