Sibling bullying when you were young?

Is anyone else a victim of sibling bullying growing up? I feel so much like I am the only one, as no one ever talks about it. This article says it is one of the most damaging types of bullying there is, and that most people think it is just a normal part of growing up. I am trying to have an adult relationship with my brother that is mutually supportive for both of us. He was the last person in my family or circle of close friends that I told about my sobriety journey. I still feel held back in my life by the messages I heard, which then became my own belief system about myself. It especially shows up at work, which is male-dominated; I am an engineer.

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@Oliverjava my brother punched me, or pinched me so hard that that it hurt. He belittled me incessantly. He insulted my looks, intelligence, anything that he could that would cause me pain.

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I get to raise my kids in the way that I want, and there will NEVER be bullying in our house! :relaxed:


I definetly got bullied however I still love both of them and Id say as im older things are slightly better in the bullying aspect.I always felt like I had to demand respect or demand someone to listen to me.
I hate being ignored and I think it has to do with that.I have alot of pent up anger that kind of scares me sometimes Ive gotten in fight mostly with people who are bigger than me, on purpose. OR someone that was either a bully or that everyone was afraid to stand upto. Little 120 lbs me in highschool was extremely quiet and shy but when someone tried to cross me Id let them have it and even suggest we fight. I got called "Mrs.angry"
My brother and sister both are extremely tall with lots of muscle.And older.So I guess that would be where alot of my frusteration comes from. Being picked on because Im small and then not being able to do much when I try to defend of prove otherwise.

Ever since I met my husband Ive gotten alot calmer but Ive had situations that have tempted me into fighting alot.Even at work. Ive become a very headstrong person. Because of my husband instead of fighting I choose to walk away, laugh at them and then simply act as if they dont exist.
I dont know if Ill ever handle things normally.

Sorry If I went off the topic of this.But I dont normally share this ever and went off on a tangent lol


Definitely the most important thing I will teach my kids is to respect eachother.Always.