Site Navigation

Does anyone use the Sober Time App to navigate themselves to here or are most of you using the Talking Sober website to come here? I am wondering because this seems like a great community/forum, but things don’t seem to be categorized. Do they have categorized areas of addictions and places you can read specifically about the addiction you are struggling with or is this a hodge podge of everything? Thanks.


Welcome Stilly.
I do use my Sober time app to come here.
There’s lots of great threads about all kinds of addictions and a lot of fun stuff too. Use the search :mag: up in the top right. Lots of great helpful people will guide you when you got questions.

I hope to see you around.

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Welcome!! Yes, a bit of a hodge podge of addictions all together. We do have categories, and also use some tags you can search on. It definitely is not particularly organized, but as time goes on you may get more familiar and comfortable with the format.


Thanks for the suggestions to use the search lens and for telling me more about the site everyone.

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I use both and yeah, like other said, it’s a hodgepodge. Search function is your friend. If there are threads you don’t want to pop up, you can mute them.

If you have any questions, people are generally happy to help. Once you get used to it, then it’s not bad at all.

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