Six months sober

Hi. I’m six months sober today. What a ride and it’s so great, I’m so thankful. Great contact with my kids again, new house, new woman that I love so much, living in the program. Am on my way to a meeting to get my chip in my home group. God I’m so thankful one day at a time. Jus wanted to share :blush:


Awesome! I’m so happy for you @jhauksson six months is amazing. I’m on day 3 and am feeling positive but scared at the same time. I want to make it this time. I too thank God and ask for the strength keep on going every day. God Bless.

Congratulations!!! And just think its only going to get better :wink:

I also have 6 months today !!:smile::smile:


Thanks guys :blush: and concrats to every day we are sober. Just woke up sober, now that’s not normal for an alcoholic :wink::hugs: but feels so good :muscle:

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Congrats! Massive accomplishment! We are all warriors. We all have today. Keep fighting the good fight