Slipped up and getting back on track

I had three months and this Kavanaugh week of insanity really triggered my own issues from a long ago sexual assault, and I drank. Not a lot and it was over two nights but still, I did it and it was a mistake. This morning there was still some beer left so I took it to the trash.
I feel bad about it but I’m not looking at it as “starting over” - it was an error and what matters is that not happen again. I’m on a news sabbatical. I’ll just play words with friends and watch Netflix and avoid the things that stress me out. I’ll go to yoga and try to mediate and make a healthy dinner and move on.


That’s right, a blib tis all. That’s a fantastic idea about the news, I’m doing the same. I don’t watch the news and avoid twitter now. America is stressing all of us out right now even those of us who don’t live there.

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I’m glad you’re back on track, sorry to hear you are hurting.
I’m also a survivor, there are lots of us here. I know quite a few of us are feeling big things because of current events. I’m sorry this is bringing up your assault, and I’m so sorry you were assaulted in the first place.

Do you live in an area that you’re connected to other survivors, or could be? Connecting with other survivors is huge for me.


I flipped shit during my SOS meeting because of everything happening with Kavanaugh. I can’t take a break because I’m a teacher (and student). Someone actually suggested I find a survivor’s support group. It honestly never occurred to me before. I’m going to give it a shot. Maybe you can too? Like @anon37742172, I’ve been trying to journal to at least get some of the vitriol out of my body and on to the paper away from me. Good luck!

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Just an fyi, Survivors support groups are all super different, so if you hate the first one you might want to try a different one. It’s like recovery paths, you have to find your flock :slight_smile: I have loved and hated survivors groups. The group I see most often organizes our local denim day.


I’m a teacher as well but on fall break, thank god.

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