Slipped Up. Cocaine

I am not a heavy user of cocaine. Usually I’ll do a couple grams if i go out on a weekend. Besides that, I dont crave it or think about it all day everyday but i am trying to quit using completely even if i dont use in high amounts. I want to get a good job with good pay, ehich requires a hair follicle which takes i itself 3 to 6 months to clear depending on how far they go back. Please send me words of encouragement to jump this hurdle. I am fine without doing it until i have to get some for friends because i am their only connection, and i cant send them to my connection and thats where the slippery slope begins… Anyway, any advice is welcome. Thanks.

If you want a change, you have to change something!
That’s a line you hear here much often.
I think if I were you I would stop getting the drug for others. You take care of your life and your friends on theirs. Rebuild your life and cut the drug out for good. You don’t need it.
Focus on what you want in life: a good job!
I wish you well :heart:


Sobriety and recovery is worth more than friendship how harsh that may sound. and a fulfulling job is worth more than the initial kick and horrible consequences of cocaine. You dont even have to lose your friends so youre good just stop all contact to anyone who sells it. Tell your friends when they find another connection they should never bring coke when you are there too. Much strength! Recovery is definately worth it


There is something you want but there is an obstacle in your way:

You can go for what you want without doing anything about the obstacle.

You can go around the obstacle but it still exists

You can just stop wanting the thing you really want.

Or you can remove the obstacle.

Logically, to ensure you get what you want, there is only one outcome, gotta remove the obstacle.

If there’s one thing ive learned in life, its that Friends come and go. Jobs come and go, but you only get one shot at building a future, so make it count.


Sounds like your friends need to find a new connecion or its tough shit for them.

It must be hard but its not your responsibility and it is starting to hurt you. If they dont get that then theyre either not friends and just using you to get gear or coke is hurting them too to the point where they will put getting coke above a friend’s wellbeing and career.

Either way, you dont need to feel bad for telling them they have to go elsewhere.

Coke gets its claws in so bad. Well done for deciding to take some action!


Stop. Buying. Coke. For. Friends.


If your dealer stopped sellin they would need a new connection anyway. If they truely want coke they will find it without you. Maybe its time to just say your dealer must have a new number or he got busted. Your gonna keep slipping if you keep enabling it.


This is gonna sound harsh but true friends wouldn’t have u getting coke … once u get away from them you say u wont use … why dont u give it a go and give yourself a chance to live a drug free life … trust me i used to dabble in coke it got holld of me and took me to crack then heroin… it took 20 years of my life to get to that point but addiction is evil and creeps up on u x please change your life now before its to late x


Stop going to your connection, that’s my first piece of advice. If your friends know you’re trying to quit using, they shouldn’t be asking you to get it for them. Get new friends, that’s my second piece of advice. Don’t mess up a good thing, you do what’s best for you and your sobriety :heart:. Let them figure their stuff out without you!


In my line of work (depending on the leniency of your jurisdiction) getting drugs for friends is how a lot people go to prison.


The excuse that you have to continue your addiction because of other people can be a tough one to shake, but truly, until you decide that your own health, wellbeing and future are more important than what other people want from you, you will never be free.

Also, realise that your perspective is skewed by the fact that your addiction does not want you to quit. You say you’re “not a heavy user”. To someone who doesn’t use cocaine, a couple of grams in a weekend is a shocking amount.

Minimizing your addiction by comparing it to people who are “worse” takes the focus off the effect that it’s actually having in your own life.

For a long time I lied to myself that I didn’t need to quit drinking because I was no “worse” than lots of people around me, but the reality was that it was making me miserable and sick. I needed to stop evaluating my life compared to what other people were doing or what other people wanted and just make a decision about what was right for me. If you are the sort of person who has spent most of your life being a people-pleaser, this can be a hard but ultimately empowering thing to do.


Thanks so much for this!!

Thanks everyone for the words of advice. Just the boost i need. I don’t want to live like this anymore. I am just going to have to lay low. Im going to start school again soon full time in another town about an hour away, so i have bigger things to focus on. I know I can do this, i will keep you all updated weekly👌🏾


Got a call earlier to hook a friend up, i honesly was going to but the connect didn’t pick up the phone, which is probably a sign. Im still hanging in therem I’m only 4 days straight since my last slip up but im in it for the long haul this time and feel great about it. Im avoiding putting myself in situations where i can slip up. Just giving an update, i know its early on but i feel this helps.

Did you not just say you called a drug dealer for one of your so-called friends? That’s the kinda stuff that will definitely lead to a relapse?

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At least I’m being honest, i was calling so i could hook him up with him. The major point of this post is that i could have easily gotten with someone else also or tried harder to get it, but i didn’t. I didnt slip up or even get near the stuff. Please dont be negative.

Not being negative, I’m being honest. What would have happened if that dealer answered his phone? Recovery is more than just putting down the drugs. It’s about changing your life completely.

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The point of the matter is you TRIED when it should have been a hard NO… i cant help you. im getting clean. I would have to guess you havent told these friends your getting clean have you? If you have then you need to block them too. If you truely wanna live a sober life then you will no longer have any interest in other addicts/users. You obviously still have your dealers number and others u COULD score from. ALL of it has to go. Not just somewhat. Half ass solutions lead to half-ass results…You are a product of your enviroment…


I was just sharing my experience… and for me to not go to other options, when i could have, is big to me. I’m out.