Sober 15 minutes

Hello, I’m new here…


Hi there! Welcome! :wave:t2:

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Thank you, I have a killer hangover right now that is making me wish I could run away from my own head but I feel okay because I installed this app and discovered real people with real stories and it’s comforting if that makes sense…


Welcome :slight_smile:
Enjoy your last hangover :wink:


Remember how this killer hangover makes you feel; write it down, or even better (I did that): take a video of yourself and tell yourself how shit your feeling. Next time you want to grab a drink, watch the video. I took that damn video while still being drunk, haven’t had a drop since. Also write down your “whys”, why do you want to become sober? Keep checking in with us, this group is amazing!


Welcome! Sobriety isn’t easy but it’s definitely worth it. You’ll get back what you put in. Those early days can be really tough so take it minute by minute and then work up to hour by hour and eventually you’ll be doing it one day at a time like the rest of us. The goal today is to just get your head on your pillow sober. I took plenty of walks and spent a lot of time reading here on TS. Here’s a good thread to start with: Welcome to the forum! 2022


Welcome! Glad to have u here :slight_smile:

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Survey says, good answer

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Welcome, remember how crappy you feel to keep pushing you forward. Good luck.

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I’m gonna tell you what my substance abuse counselor told me in detox

I look and felt like shit, and he said look at you, remember how you feel, remember everything about this moment, this is the last time you have to feel like this.

He was right

Count the minutes, then count the days, then the months and years, then decades. The farther you step in the greater it feels


Welcome and it take a lot of courage to do what you’re doing. This is a great choice!

In the words of Obi Wan Kenobi:

“You have just taken your first step into a larger Universe”


So glad your here! Keep reading, keep posting, and reach out if you need us. Have you seen this? It really helps me beat my cravings

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I’ am not much far from the last relapse as you. I just finished up the rest of drugs I had about an hour ago. I won’t tell myself this time I can’t do it. Actually, after telling myself yesterday I was done with all this sh*t, this relapse just a day later makes me realize how powerless I am and that I need help.

It doesn’t seem, but it’s a hopeful feeling. I wish you feel the same: not down or angry at yourself, but concious of the fact that you need right away to take action.

Start now making your recovery plans: it is a struggle, it is a fight. And the adversary won’t wait for you to rest and be well. Punch back now.

I wrote on my journal and am here. There’s no meetings this hour ( I live in Brazil), but I won’t waste more time trying to do things my way.

Just a reminder: I’m talking about me, but my goal is to be of some help to you.

Write a little, make plans, call sponsors, leave a meetings list at hand and then sleep. Don’t mind the headache or hangover: be a fighter.

Best of luck.


Hi🙋‍♀️ welcome to the community

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Welcome! Wishing you nothing but the best during your sobriety journey :white_heart: