Sober day 10

I was 3 years sober as of May 2022. I thought i could control it. i started drinking on my trip to ireland. i just wanted something to help me relax. The first night was fun then i had a wicked hangover, shakes and vomiting. I think i became allergic to beer. I found myself drinking more and more each day. As soon as i got home from work i needed a whiskey and coke to settle my nerves. I found myself waking up with regret guilt and hangovers. Survived each day at work fighting the hangover and the shakes. I am ten days sober today the first five were extremely hard. Now i am trying to journal, read and keep my mind off of it. It doesnt help that i get seasonal depresson when the days are shorter and i have physical anxiety.


Welcome back Marie! I remember you from when I first joined. I was gone for a couple years too but the great thing is this place was still right here when I needed it :relieved: I’m glad you found your way back. Congrats on 10 days :clap:


Congrats on 10 days sober. Doesn’t take long to end up exactly where you were when still drinking. I just picked up right where I left off. I noticed I was getting very sick every time I drank though towards the end. My body just couldn’t recoup from the relapses anymore. It’s only gonna get worse every time you go back out


Welcome back Marie.
Thanks for the reminder that I cannot have just one either.
I glad your back.
And congratulations on day 10


Welcome back! What did you do that helped you stay sober before? What did you not do that led to your relapse?

What are you willing to do to stay sober now?

These can be hard questions, but they are necessary for you to determine where you want to go and how you are going to get there.

Blessings on your house :pray:t2: as you begin again.


Welcome back! The slide really is insidious. :cry: They say alcohol can be in the body up to ten days, so that means from tomorrow you are 100% free of it! That made me feel liberated.


Welcome back Marie and well done for the double digits :facepunch:
I’ve read somewhere up here that quitting your alcohol addiction is like turning the radio off with the volume loud.
When you turn the radio on years later the volume is still loud.
That’s our addiction, you pick it up where you left it.

Glad you are back, you can do it!


Welcome back :pray:t2::two_hearts:


how i stayed sober before I would occupy myself with activities like hiking, walking, going to the gym etc. I relapsed bc i lacked self control. I am willing to work hard and not nit pick everything.

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Here’s a thread full of ideas that folks here have used successfully to stay sober. Staying busy and building self control are important, but I have seldom seen them work as a plan to stay recovered.

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Welcome back

Welcome back Marie. 3 years is an amazing achievement, and congratulations on 10 days.