Sober in the zombie apocalypse

Continuing the discussion from Anyone think: apocalypse coming fuck it?:

It begs the follow up thread… In what ways does sobriety/recovery benefit you in the event of the impending zombie apocalypse? :zombie: :brain: :muscle:

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I, for one, am pretty sure I could easily outrun the horde now. :running_man: :sunglasses:

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As long as they aren’t those fast zombies, like World War Z or 28 Days Later. If they are those fast zombies, we are all screwed.


But sober we can shoot straight and reload faster, too!

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Will bullets work?:thinking:

In the brain.

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True, but those suckers are FAST! We need a SWAT truck.

If I have to bug out I wont have to worry about running out of drugs

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More time for grabbing food and shotgun shells!

@SassyRocks: OK, you’re in charge of armor.

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This reminds of a thread from when I first joined that @C-sun made :rofl::joy: zombie apocalypse and you’re in a bathroom… what do you do

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Outrun not only the hoard, but all the drunks and junkies too. They will get eaten while we are running on our merry way :wink:

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Im going to need a lot more ammunition!

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Are we not living this apocalypse??? Lol :woman_zombie::zombie:‍♂:supervillain:🏻‍♂ :earth_americas:

Sober, I am a weapon-system, adept in both armed and unarmed combat, proficient in projectile and melee weapons. I am able to spot opportunities that can be exploited to my advantage.

Drunk…not so much.


My neighbours arent the running type so that some foder so i can get away lol


Sober I won’t be so busy sleeping one off that I don’t notice them getting through the defenses in the middle of the night.