Sober Leg Selfies #3 (Visible bottoms required) bring your sock game & leggings šŸ§¦ or your dog or your cat

Legs and dogs :blush:


Donā€™t worry, those candles work with batteries :+1: I wonā€™t burn my foot :wink:


Nope. Not stressing here.

Maybe a little healthy research obsessing.
Heavy on the obsessing.
But I took yesterday off.
Thanks for the tip on the other thread.
And I get to go to a meeting in a couple of hours.


You are most welcome! Loving the chilled out mode ā€“
Enjoy the meeting :slight_smile:


Making dinnerā€¦waiting for the water to boil. Really exciting stuff over here! :rofl:


Day off, time for a couch snooze sober leg selfie. If you zoom in on the kitties in the right of the photo you will see one sitting normally watching the birds, and this goony fellow :point_down:t3:

He has been upside down like that for about an hour. He is alive. :joy_cat:


I thought Iā€™d paint my toenails as it is that time of year, but I got in a fankle and ended up having to take it all off. Why didnā€™t I use nail polish remover? I have no idea where Iā€™ve put it!


I was today days old when I looked up the definition of fankle. Excellent word!


OH my goodness love - it is that wonderous time of year when your toes get to shine-- hope you do find that nail polish remover and try againā€¦ :wink:

AND LOL @TrustyBird ā€“ I too had to look up this word and now will have it in my vocab! Love the endless learning


Just shoe horn it into your conversation somehow :joy:


:rofl: iā€™m dying over here ā€“ yes, I shall do exactly thatā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Iā€™ve written it down so that I remember to use tomorrow


Still looking for the best way to keep the nails shining. Bought some Essie polish, but itā€™s still damaged latest after 5 days. Maybe itā€™s the chlorine in the pools.

@Deelzebub hope to c an before and after :sunglasses:


Oh man - that chlorine does strip off polish quickly. I could only make mine last a day but thatā€™s because of swimming and all the dishes.

Tried gel polish (got my own home kit) and that did help the polish last longer ā€“ have you tried gel polish? It does take so much longer to apply as it has 4 steps with heat application in between (i got the one without uv light). I believe it was from amazon

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Ahhh nice idea but sometimes I am even too lazy to do the regular polishing :rofl:
Maybe I will joyn a pedicure with polish next weekā€™s.

To me itā€™s all season time for ā€œshiny feetā€ as I show them often at the pool or yoga classes.

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Totally understandā€¦i loved having shiny feet and long shiny hands but it was a bitch to keep up. Take the time for yourself and show off them feet :wink::kissing_heart:

In a way now that i cant put any polish on right now and have to keep my nails as short as possible . .its a sort of blessing cause i save time but i do miss it. Hopefully soon enough ill get to be the old me in many ways just addiction free :hugs:

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Ohh why do you have to keep it short and unpolished? Is it a job thing?

I also have more small nails and I donā€™t like them long at allā€¦ To me itā€™s disturbing and seems not that hygienic. But as they are small itā€™s a bit difficult to polish at all.

I use nude colors and a shiny protection on topā€¦ But I love black and classic red too.

now need to find a good manicure :sunglasses::heart::black_heart:

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My toes look like that but itā€™s usually just dirt :grimacing:

Nor are my actual toenails even remotely that manicured.


After work chill with the dog legs


Sending you happy vibes so that hopefully youā€™ll find a good place to get your mani / pedi done. I do like nudes as well or shades of purple when I wanted color ā€“ did a lot of french manicures as well

Long story short - Iā€™ve been having some health issues since nov 21(no oneā€™s figured out what caused it or what it is now) ā€”Had to give up all items like face wash/cream, soaps, detergents, nail polishā€¦etc except for dove (so happy that dove is so soothing). Iā€™m hoping that in time Iā€™ll be healed and can go back to using these products again as I am sort of a soap connoisseur( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
The nails canā€™t be long at all as I i have tiny cuts all over and any bit of scratching is irritating and more damaging. Doing so much better now and am hopeful for normalcy.


Always cold. :roll_eyes: