Nice reflections and I loved the other one of your village.
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What a cutie
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Grace Kelly huh? I know her well. No one I mean no one in my circle of people would even know who we were talking about. They would probably ask any relation to Machine Gun Kelly? HAHA
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Those slippers are Rad!
My MIL got them for me for Christmas!! They are a favorite
I do strength training barefoot so I put them on right after lol
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Sober Saturday… not a cloud in sight, blue skys, lazy afternoons reading on the bed, tummy full but still thinking about what to eat nxt… not a care in the world in this current moment. Anxiety levels finally low after a long last 7 days… heres to week two almost beginning

Welcome back, April.
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Hey Mischa do you think our similar choice in trainers is something to do with our birthdays being so close or have we just got great taste!! ?? Its getting a bit weird now !!!
Hahaha,Its very cool!!
I love the reeboks,ive owned at least one pair of workout plus or exofit since i was 15