Sober on my own

Thank you on the congrats for the sobriety. I’m not a victim. I made made my choice and will have to live with that. I will admit my faults.

Let’s please try to move on, for all our recovery. If you have nothing constructive to add, no need to add anything at all.

Glad to see you back and sober, @Lightyears6.


Really? l’ll just go an aa meeting like normal.

You have nothing to help from this post we have brothers and sisters in need

I guess that whole thing about admitting your faults isn’t really going through? I mean look at your behavior now. Part of recovery is being confronted with truths we may not like to hear without getting defensive.

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Also, I was the one who flagged your post. I’m sure a moderator can point you in the direction of community guidelines. Again.

I’ve laid my cards down. I accepted my faults. This is not the place to do so.

Deleted again.

What are you talking about? This entire thread is still here. For the 3000th time, nothing has been deleted.

This is the most frustrating thing I’ve seen in my entire time on this forum :rofl:


Yes. I flagged you for calling a member an asshole. Then I told you I flagged you. Again with this whole victim mentality.

Your comment calling a member an asshole was flagged, since name calling is against the rules of the forum. The flag was accepted and your comment was hidden, not deleted.

Here is a link to the rules in case you need a refresh, I know it can be a little confusing learning them. It took us all a bit of time to understand them. Hope this helps!

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If you refuse to read or acknowledge the rules the consequences of your actions are no one’s fault except your own.

Do what you want.

You mean following the rules? Lol. Dude you come here, don’t follow the rules, get mildly punished, then throw a fit.

I love the sober community

You’re welcome to join it at any time.


Thanks for catching my error, I updated my post.


Ive never been able to do it on my own, and i dont “got this” thats why i come here to this sober community to be reminded how easy it is to go back out. Like i was told in the 12 step programs when i first started going “we’ll save you a seat when your ready” glad i decided to keep going and work on my sobriety. Its great you made it back, so many that dont.

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@Lightyears6 welcome back! The people on this board really care and will help you find your way but you have to be willing to accept the gift of sobriety and be ready. It’s work and most times it’s a fight for your life and mind to get to where you want to be. I wish you luck.