Went out for a coworkers bday and for probably the first time in a looooong time, I was sober. We went to a comedy club and they had a 2 drink minimum so I had 2 cranberry juices. I observed what everyone else ordered and sure enough, I was the only sober one. I was fine though… surprisingly, I didn’t get anxious or felt like I need a drink to carry conversations. I had a great time and the best part is tomorrow I won’t wake up lost, hungover or worried if I did or said anything stupid to a friend.
Today is 21 days next week will be a month! Time is flying
Good work!! Proud of you @ariana2607!
Im at a country line and 2 step bar drinking water. Did some 2 step and Im a much better dancer sober
Awesome done @ariana2607 well done im happy it ended good . Be Proud, be confident in your choises .
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That’s a huge step in the right direction! Nice work it’s weird but I found when I do things sober I used to think I could only enjoy doing drunk. I realize that the sober experience is way more fulfilling, plus the no hangover thing is incredible.
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