Check out some podcasts. There’s a podcast for just about every subject one could imagine. I listen to histories, audio drama, current events, and true crime. Heck, I even listen to a podcast about Bigfoot!
That’s the ticket! Never stop getting better at getting better!
I watched this movie 9,765 times (I’d bet) as a child. The Brombys!!
How are you liking it???
Goosebumps when I see or hear her (Jessica) talk. All I’m saying.
What is that?
The light that’s come on in your eyes, Mike, is one of the things that make me glad these days!
Not too many can say that! Brilliant. Well done mate
The piano scene! Swoon. I need to re-watch this.
Hey, if it’s good for Kevy, it’s good for all of us
Mike! Looking sharp man! Love the haircut and beard trim. GQ-ready
I understand this 100%. We all have performances that we do - we can “perform” a role, perform an image - but the difference is choice. The roles we choose to perform, and when we choose to be “in costume” and then when we choose to rest and go backstage - if these roles, these masks, these performances are a choice, they are empowering. On the other hand, if the mask is something we use to hide, it is a symbol of our loss: our loss of personal identity.
You are amazing. Even through all the ups and downs of life. With or without makeup. Whether you’re feeling great or feeling rough. You are amazing because you choose. And that is amazing.
35? I was thinking 25. Seriously.
I like it alot im on the fourth agreement do the best you can. Alot of it was like wow I already do alot of this, but reading it is very nice and reassuring and nice to know I’m on the right path. I’m going to read it again tho just to really have it sink in. @Matt and @Faugxh thank you guys I appreciate your words very much I love seeing the sparkle and smile back on my face and really feel the love for myself
Even the kids wouldn’t play with you. That sounds really mean.
Finally changed my license and got registered to vote in NM. I put it off so long because it hurt to give up my Texas one.
Congrats Jenn! It’s nice to get these admin things dusted
You are super pretty