Sober Selfies #18 (NO swimwear, shirts required, please review rules)

Fuck yes! I love that shit! TS peeps RL coappearances! :smiling_face_with_tear:

@Its_me_Stella @Kaeo :heart:

@Starlight14 looking so cute there Kelly. Next time you go out for a coffee or sth! Share that sparkle w the world! :sparkles:

@DresdenLaPage I remember when you were struggling to come back here. Fuck this makes me feel thankful indeed.

@JasonFisher so epic. Wow.


Who is the creepy dude looking up at your girl like that?!


Awww thank you @Faugxh i shall me dear, i shall! :rofl:

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This made me giggle :laughing:

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Iā€™m using some app for yoga practice and the instructor looks so much like you Kelly! Maybe she is you but I missed some of yours posts when you mentioned you are an instructor.
Iā€™m gonna go now and make screenshot to show you what Iā€™m talking about.
Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Edid: adding fotos


Oh thank you Mischa! Unfortunately im not a yoga instructor and i REALLY wish i had her figure!!

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Lol. That is my Wife. We divorced, but our Church marriage is not cancelled. For me it means a lot. I try to respect it. Many miracles happened in my life, and I believe it was meant for me to meet her.

Higher Power works in mysterious ways. At that time I was practicing Buddhism. Then I was almost killed in a brutal event. Surgeons said it was miracle that I am alive. To be honest at that moments of running for my life I forgot all the mantras - and just started directly talk to God - Creator. Then after surgery at the same way I asked - why I am alive? And then I met my wife. She worked at Church but I did not knew that at the moment. Many things changed in my life since those events and it is still changing.

Life is a Miracle itself happening right Now :heartpulse:


Like when you make a stupid joke and get a beautiful sincere story time back. Thanks my friend. :smiling_face_with_tear:



Your crazy. :grin::rofl:




I say this with utmost respect, you have the absolute best IDGAF face I knowā€¦ hopefully you donā€™t find that insulting as itā€™s not meant in that way.


:rofl::rofl: Iā€™m almost impossible to insult. Itā€™s probably because I actually really donā€™t give a fuck. :grin:


Iā€™m working on embracing that philosophy much more in my day to day life. Seems much more peaceful! :relieved: :joy:


Yes love your hair so much :heart:

Great job gorgeous :heart::heart:

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Thankyou so much :slight_smile:
Everything was a struggle. I wanted to die of alcohol poisoning - I didnā€™t realise that actually takes quite a long time until it takes no time at all. The only reason I didnā€™t take a huge heroin overdose was because I was scared it wouldnā€™t work and Iā€™d become a heroin addict again. I used to be ashamed of saying that butā€¦ the fear is very real.


Great to meet you Elizabeth. Looking peaceful and zen here.
Love your hair :heart:

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Looking great Joe :heart::hugs:

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Having a girls day out with my Auntie. I really need this day out, been so stressed lately. 83 degrees here today. Going to be a beautiful day. Have a blessed sober day everyone. Much love to you all :heart::heart:


Hey beautifulā€¦have a fantastic day out with your aunt. I do hope you feel relaxed and stress-free today :people_hugging: