Sober Selfies #18 (NO swimwear, shirts required, please review rules)

Ooh La La :heart:
The Sherpa hoodie comes out :wink:
Nice :+1:


nice work Sebastian – 3 months and going strong! :muscle:


LOL – thanks Dazer — yup - so weird how it was 80 few days ago and 50 today. Grateful for the cozy Sherpa hoodie (didn’t take long for me to reach for it :rofl: )


With my mates during ride from London to Brighton and back yesterday.


Love the pic over the M25 closure… you don’t see that often :slight_smile:

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Hahaha that pic is so cute omg :laughing: cheered me up for sure. Hope the roughness got smoothed out for you!

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She walks the line of crazy just like her mama lol yeah…i dont know if you saw my thread yesterday but i had an emotional day but once id spoken to the lovely people on here i got through it, ive just had my implant changed aswell so hormones could have also been playing their part (sorry if thats TMI) hope you are well dearest @Faugxh xx


Just read that thread Kelly, glad you feel a bit better today! :people_hugging:

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Oh no I missed the update I’m afraid but I’m glad to hear the emotions have been assigned, sorted and understood to an extent, that will help them process. Metabolise as I like to call it. I’m glad you’re on the way to that now.

Retracted :joy:

Your daughter really is so cute and you look fab together. Gave me warm feelings so look at your pic.

My corner of the world is heavily ploughed, as usual, by me. Staying somewhat on top of part of it is all I can do. Little as that seems to me often.

Much love. :boar:

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This was my arm implant…have you thought about that so its not as intimate a procedure for you? It works for 3 years. My daughter really is the love of my life…shes my rock even though she knows nothing about it :laughing:

Im sorry its a tough plough for you…you have all of us here if things get tough, lots of love for you here for sure xxx :heart:

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Thank you so much, yes much better today xxx


That’s so beautiful and that’s what I felt when I saw that pic. I thought how much I would have wanted that for myself. So I’m happy mothers like you are out there!! :heart:

I have indeed never thought of an arm implant and it’s funny how ofc I made it tmi now lol. Not changing the post! :joy: [I did too haha]

Ty for the warm words. It’s real nice to hear. :heart:

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:laughing: you are what i call Sofia sometimes- a funny onion lol xx

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Learning to drive the tractor


Sitting in the shade, enjoying the sun.


She’s all grown up!
Omg. They grow up so fast :heart:

London to Brighton! And back :scream:
That’s sounds amazing :star_struck:

You know they got a non stop train for that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She’s too cute @Mindofsobermike!
Seeing that pic brought back a funny memory of my daughter. We had a similar tractor and we let her drive one day. She was about the same age as your lil girl. Well she was so excited and not paying attention, she was headed right for our pool. We were all yelling “turn the wheel!”. Thankfully, daddy ran to the rescue and saved us from disaster. :joy:


~5y 11m

Early morning walkies
Eight miles in the bank