Sober Selfies #18 (NO swimwear, shirts required, please review rules)

Congratulations with the 30 days milestone and I love your haircolour! :orange_heart:

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Good to see you Indie :pray: Sobriety really suits you. Enjoy you holidays and send pics if you can. :sun_with_face::palm_tree::movie_camera:

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Congratulations on a month SAF. Have fun in Greece :v:

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This is a great pic. :love_you_gesture:. Congratulations on 15 months sober

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Looking good, I especially love how the bracelets and T-shirts is color coordinated. :blush:
And vintage is always in. :heart:


Day 85

Tunic by Lipo Lipo
White leggings from Lager 157
White ankle socks from the dollar store
Slippers that looks like sneakers from a brand I forgotten
Yellow cardigan from Basic you

Hair half up half down attached with black butterfly hair clips

Glasses Specsavers model Orlanda in pink and gold.

Husbands outfit
Shorts from Temu (It think they are supposed to look like Versace)
Cotton shirt from Lager 157
Black Crocs

Glasses Specsavers
He also decided that a snack sausage would be a great accessorie :laughing:


I’ve seen it, my mother is a hardcore Beatles fan.
Beatles and Rolling stones is her jam. Never thought about showing it to my kids but as you say it’s a classic so I should most definitely do that. Thanks for the idea.

My father loved Creedence/John Fogherty and Elvis Presley. :blush:


You’ve been through a lot lately. It’s real good to see you smile and enjoy your fam. Wish you many many happy moments like this! :sparkles: :sparkles: :yellow_heart:


Feeling cute today. Might delete later idk


Love it… looking good toommmhappy smiles! :hugs:


October 2023. This is poolside inside Gianni Versace’s original Miami mansion. You can see the Medusa in the floor, that’s done in jade. The Medusa head is all over the property with the print, all in precious stones. It’s since been turned into a restaurant but you can still tour the property. It’s absolutely amazing!


Headed to go be sober in nature :stars::hiking_boot::sunrise_over_mountains:


That is amazing, I’m going to put a visit there on my bucket list.
Thank you so much for showing me :blush:


Headed out to go camping


Day 95 AF , as i walk my tranquil walk i reflect on the pure bliss i feel :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello everyone. I hope you all are having a fantastic sober Friday. I apologize in advance for this being long but I’m excited about my singing career. So first of all I want to thank my bff for encouraging me to really go for it @JazzyS Jasmine I love you girl. Thank you for always being in my corner and pushing me to put my music out there and for always being by my side through my sobriety. We talk every day and you constantly support me. I love how our friendship has grown. To those who don’t know, I will be 1 year sober on June 2nd. I relocated from phoenix to Memphis almost a year ago to get away from the people and places that fed my addiction to live with my aunt. My mama and sisters have visited me and supported me so much. I love playing guitar and piano but singing is my life. My mama tells me I sound so much like Beyoncé. I write songs and I wrote one especially for my aunt called “LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS HERE “ My family said since I live in Memphis now I should hit recording studios so without me knowing it my mama contacted Sun Studios and gave them a video of my song. The same studio Elvis got recognized at and tomorrow at 1 pm I will be going to record my song after being contacted by them. It am nervous but excited at the same time. I will keep everyone posted afterwards but I couldn’t have done any of this without you Jasmine. I love you BFF :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


Hell yeah! Way to go @Meka thats amazing. You got this


Oh girl i love you too and so very proud of you! :heart: :hugs: So excited that you are experiencing this opportunity and making it happen. Absolutely amazing how your are seeing your dream come to life. Love how you have been able to turn your life around and embrace all the positives of sober living :people_hugging:

Looking forward to hearing how your session went :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yessss, Im so grateful. :pray:


That is such great news Meka! Good luck with the recording tomorrow, you must be soooo exiting about it :smile: I know I would :blush: