Sober Selfies #4

Thanks Laura… lol @ hubby’s concern, :smile:
One day I was talking to him and I said, God your eyes are so pretty, lol. Love that pia, lol

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And a follow up, bc I’m a couple days behind due to working all weekend, but you’ve got some guns going on! Nice biceps lady! None of my gyms have reopened yet :slightly_frowning_face: but working definitely helps keep me active again.

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Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So cute!! :heart_eyes: is Boogs a dachshund?? Looks all comfy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She loves his daddy!:heart:


Shhhhhhh! Don’t say it too loud! She doesn’t know that she’s a Dachshund! She thinks she’s a little person! :grin:
As soon as I sit down she snuggles up behind my head. I love it!


Awe so cute! She’s like a little scarf! love her! :heart:

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My Golden snores as well. She’s also really good at using her 80 lbs to try and muscle me out if my pillow too.

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She’s so sweet, but stubborn as hell. I love it! She definitely rules the house too. :grin:

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Lol She must be a Scorpio! We can’t help the stubborn thing! :joy: She rules the roost! :rofl: love it!

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Wow! I’ve never done such distance. It looks insane to me :woman_facepalming:t3: Well done! :running_woman:t3: Or do you mean you’ve done it in one week? Then 75.4km was my maximum I think. It was few months ago. But that tume I was trained and I had about over 60km/week normally :woman_facepalming:t3::smile::smile::smile:

That’s so great to read you’re doing to well! Happy for you! Your pets are adorable aswell, mine does the same, head on my pillow. :slight_smile:

Omg yes, my dog is so confident in herself and what she believes, my self doubting ass can only admire her…

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Day 58,it’s raining. I’m sitting in the window drinking my morning coffe like usual,like a cat.


I thought Manchester United was good?

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I wish I had enough space to use those darlings :sob:

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I’ve really noticed a difference in your selfies lately. You look like you are relaxing a bit, becoming comfortable with yourself and your emotions. I think this is great!


255 on squats today. 2 reps, progress not perfection


Thank you, you might be right. I’m feeling really relieved even if things still bugs me. It feels like it’s going in the right direction. And a lot of it is thanks to all of you guys. I hope your week will be awesome :heart:

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She,s a cutie and I’m glad that your getting back on your feet after relapsing. What lake is it that you went to if you don’t mind me asking. :slight_smile:

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