Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Thank you Mike

Thank you Lisa

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Thank you! That was a fun day for sure. It was a 13 lb fish. He still brags about it lol


if you donā€™t mind me asking, how old where you when you were diagnosed with ADHD? I was 28ā€¦

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  1. But the symptoms - deficiency in executive function, planning, coordination, despite years of trying to manage - have been present since the age of 11-12, which is about when I started having to take individual responsibility for my homework & tasks.

I was raised without TV. Didnā€™t have it in the house until I was about 12 and no video games in the house until I left for college. I donā€™t know what the research is but from my personal experience, I donā€™t link TV with my ADHD cuz even on meds, I still have a hard time sitting still to watch a show or even play video gamesā€¦ but thatā€™s just me =)


Yooooo, I missed your heavy metal post. Grats on one year, D! :partying_face:

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You too love and keep that smile you look so full of life xx

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Congrats on 500!!
And look at your kid, huge pride there,

Looking great, glad to see your holding it together


ADHD is not caused by diet, sugar, colorants, screen time, TV, or social factors like poverty. There is a genetic element.

Most things that affect normal people - for example, diet, exercise, and healthy or unhealthy habits - affect people with ADHD in similar ways. However, since people with ADHD struggle with planning and coordination in general, the negative effects of poor diet or unhealthy habits are easily amplified.


Congratulations :bouquet:

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Thanks buddy!

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Your welcome. People of Walmartā€™s lucky day lol

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Hahha I was mad because I was looking for non alcoholic red wineā€¦I knew Walmart probably wouldnā€™t have it. Made a mocktail margarita though and bought some treats!

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I didnā€™t know there was such a thing as non alcoholic wine,


There is haha

Thank you!

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Thank you all very much

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I hate 8 hour turnarounds. At least its Sunday so i dont have to look human


Iā€™ve got only special needs kids, 2 of them with ADHD none of them can be still or calm enough to watch even a short episode of a kids show like Peppa Pig (for example, because thatā€™s a Tv show with short episodes) neither managed the level of focus required to play a video game, or any game on another device. My oldest one is 18,due to this day she can barley focus on tv with meds or without. And no doctors weā€™ve met have ever linked tv or video games or any screens to adhd.

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