Sober Selfies #7 (shirts required please)

I had a random lil winged friend hang out with me on the beach today. I’ve never seen one on the beach. I think it is a sooty albatross. When its wings were spread it was as big as an eagle! :heart:


Shirt selfie…
Am I doing this right?


Proud of you! Catch lots of :crab: this season. Your pics make me want some. :yum: Yummy.

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Just signed a lease on an apartment with a view of the NYC skyline. My 2 year sober birthday is coming up in less than two months and I finally feel ready to move off my parent’s property and see the world again. This is my year and I intend to manifest happiness naturally. What are your intentions for 2021?


@mleclaire Focus on me,

Accept that I can only control myself, others behaviors towards me good or bad is not in my control,

Appreciate what I have and not focus on my have nots, I have a ton to offer, in many ways as a parent, friend,significant other, employee This may sound arrogant, but if someone doesnt want to see that, their loss.

Focus on my career, I made alot of steps in the right direction, but progress can be slow and its frustrating at times, Alot of blemishes I put there by my own doing and really have to overcome them, I say I should be seen as a whole person not, just one aspect that doesnt look pretty

ETA the NYC skyline is amazing, I enjoy seeing the DC skyline daily, it’s the one thing I enjoy about working nights.


Chris, I love all of it-keep putting you first & remember you are worth it.


So happy for ya.
I can’t wait to visit NYC again. Or anywhere for that matter. Be safe.

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Thank you Jenna! It was a good day and I felt happy and grateful. Hope you’re doing good!

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So its almost your birthday soon in a few weeks!?

520 today
Starting school in March building my next chapter :nerd_face:


Meanwhile I’m here whining about our - 7 c. If it gets so cold that I’m getting Ice crystals in my eyelashes I just refuse to go out.


Day 136


Love that, you look amazing. :cherry_blossom:
My 2021 goal is to get a drivers license.


Congratulations!!! This year I intend to start the process of purchasing my first home. I don’t know if the home will get purchased this year, since I’m not in a hurry necessarily, but taking real steps that direction and achieving some measurable goals and objectives that direction is my intent. Already well on my way to a down payment saved.

Thank you for your post - you are radiating all the benefits of a commitment to sobriety, and your story really motivates me to continue on this path. Beautiful smile, lady! Super happy for you.


Goodmorning TS brand new day brand new us lets kick ass and give us the BEST !!! LETS GOOO :boxing_glove::boxing_glove:


Amazing Mario! Sincere congrats! :bouquet: We have come a long way! :smile: What will you study?

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First selfie I’ve ever done dont like photos of me there not for the light hearted. But beginning to feel like the old me again and I like that. I’m back listening to my music again and looking forward to going back to live gigs. Massive Smith’s, stone roses and oasis fan. Thank you xxxx


Oh and my beards coming along good, well I think so anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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Those curls!


Thank you for sharing your journey with us :heart::cupid: your positivity always shines through-I appreciate you!