Sober selfies

That’s coming out of your check!

@Victorious u just jogged my memory, I knew I’d seen @DowntroddenGoat somewhere b4 this forum!


No way. Union job. Bahahaha.


Guy drinking a beer at the stop asked me for a cigarette, I said no. He got all full of piss and vinegar. He can buy a beer, he can buy his own smokes lol.


Did you read my post in the vent thread earlier? Some chick asked me for a cig and when I told her I don’t smoke she told me to fuck off…


My standard response to that is “too late!”

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I was actually to dumbfounded to say anything. I kinda just cocked my head to the side and got that da’fuck look on my face.

You know, this look




No doubt, u gotta have a second job or a trust fund to be a smoker now a days lol. They were cheap back in NC when I started, $1.75/pack…last time I was up D’s way they were bout $15

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Part of the reason I quit. Though if you go to the res you can still get cartons for 24

They’re $5.50 on the rez. Even for Newports. About $7.50 everywhere else.

I hadn’t smoked for 6 years, regret picking it back up. 1 thing at a time.

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Yeah I know what u mean, that’s the one thing I’m still holding onto. I know they gotta go too, but I didn’t think itd be wise to stop them, booze and oxys all at the same time, my boss and a few other people would be dead by now lol. Dropping the other stuff has lowered the craving for them considerably tho, I’m down to less than a pack a day as opposed to the almost 2 a day I was smoking b4.

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Nah that is my 3rd cousin twice removed that we don’t talk about.


Ah, my bad…


Look at the sobriety in those eyes! So beautiful inside and out. I think we would be fast friends. Congrats on your days!!!

Are you a cancer survivor or waking in the relay in memory or honor of a loved one?

Me too. Quit for 10 years. Moved out with my kids due to an abusive marriage, got my own place, filed for divorce, bought a pack of smokes and here I am. But I am determined to quit when the divorce is final. We have mediation Friday after next. Fingers crossed.

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Oh my gosh I agree!!!

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Not sure if you ride a bicycle at all but there’s a charity event during the month of June to fight childhood cancer if you’re interested. I’m riding!

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