Sober thirty days today

Hey everyone!!

After a solid two weeks of PAWS in the beginning of my journey, but now two weeks later… I’m feeling significantly better.
I’ve reached 30 days sober. Today!
I’m proud of myself - I’ve done lots of things I normally wouldn’t do when I was drinking.
My newly sober month of 5 months, I isolated myself from him because I didn’t want him to smell the alcohol on my breath. I showed up to a therapy session heavily of alcohol smell and she called me out on it. I was drinking everyday after work & I couldn’t go anywhere when I wasn’t working without a shot. Then a while later - I was starting to drink on the clock.
Now - I’m enjoying the outdoors more. Birds, stars, sun, and actually feeling like I can drive without breaking the law. Making jewelry, spending time with myself - looking in the mirror and feeling like i can finally face some demons I was putting off.
I’ll finally take the sober step in reporting someone I should’ve a while ago who took advantage of their position & my vulnerabilities.
Here’s to 30 days.
Fuck the cravings. I can do this.
I want to keep this up.


Congrats on the 30 days!! Im glad to hear you are doing well! Great picture!


You are doing it Rose. The clarity is starting to take hold. Congrats.


One month is a huge milestone! We are all proud of you, relish in this great feeling. You will keep it up, one day at a time. PAWS can be tricky, always keep in mind your “why”.

Here’s to another 30 days!


One month is a major milestone…I never thought i can do it and i did it twice…it helps me to close my eyes and look back…basically I see the action scene from bad boys 2 when they were in the freeway…

I need to start journaling…

Waking up app is good…learn some things on podcast like Joe rogan, learn a new hobby, put more hours in at work…boredom is my offender to relapse


Congratulations for the 30 days milestone! :confetti_ball:
It’s so good to see the world around you in more details isn’t it? :bird::bug::seedling:
I love to read you are making your own jewelery, I do too. There is a nice tread up here where creative people here are sharing their creations.

Come and take a look around and feel free to share yours as well, I would love to see them!

Glad you are proud of yourself, you should! :facepunch:


Congratulations on your 30 days! Great job keep up the good work " One day at a time"!


Good for you, congrats on a month SAF. The PAWS may come and go for a little while, just stay strong through it. :muscle::muscle:


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:! Thanks for sharing.
And what a handsome bird!


Congratulations on your 30 days and all the steps you’re taking for yourself- awesome!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Congrats on 30 days, Rose. And what a beautiful post! So excited and happy for you!:tada::tada::tada::heart:

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Huge congratulations on 30 days sober, that’s a big milestone in your journey of sobriety. Keep up the good work.

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Congratulations on 31 days Rose :blush:

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Conrats Rose, we share the same 30-day birthday :wink:

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Congratulations! It’s only up from here :tada::tada: you got this

30 days just gone for me and now approaching 5 weeks. I honestly didn’t think I could do this, but I am and I feel sos much better. Just grappling with guilt at the moment

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Congrats on passing the 30 day mark. You can definitely do this. Just keep going one day at a time. :black_heart:

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