Sober till the end

Now more than 2 years of sobriety. Almost 73 years old. I had the last years very heavy times. Personal and the Worlwide Covid problem. I was lonely and isolated. I knew: I have 2 options now. Drinking again…that is the end of all. Or this is my big chance to come out stronger and healthier than before! I didn’t drink! And I am fysical and mentaly much stronger now then 2 years ago. It is still not the end of my isolatie, not all my problems are gene. But it is okay.
The lesson for me is : I can have big problems, many problems…when I go drink again there is a big problem coming by extra. I know this will be again my biggest problem. It means no solution for what problems I may have.
So, sobriety is the most important thing in my life. Till the end!


Thank you for your post. I needed to read your message today as I’m really struggling. You have helped me more than you know, I’m so glad you are here with us :pray:t2::two_hearts:


I hope you are okay now. One day at a time. Blessings