Sober Weightloss group?

I add the food before I can eat it. And it’s super easy and quick once you’ve put in the majority of the foods you eat.

I actually love tracking and keeping myself accountable, I do really well when theres a “check in” system. I feel like I’ve won a little prize everytime I come in under my calorie goal.


Meeee! I lost 35 lbs 2 years ago and gained it all back. The only thing that worked for me was strict calorie tracking - once I stopped, it came back.

This time around I’m also doing this app called Eat Right Now that uses a CBT/mindfulness approach to address the causes behind eating behaviors, which I know I need to fix. There’s a free week if you want to sample.

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Said your username is invalid

Nice, im doing Cto10k for the Turkey trot. I hate and suck at running. Can you add friends?

ADRIENE IS THE BEST. And her pup. I do her 30 day challenge every new year. She is so genuine and able to make fun of herself.


I’m going to read this again right before 9:00pm tonight. Last night I was eating a dang Fudgecicle st 2:23 am! Madness…


Can’t be because I’ve had other people add me. Maybe you’re mis typing it? I’ll try adding you

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What is your user name? I don’t see it on the thread

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I dont know if you can add friends to that. I just add the workout to mfp. Too many friends on too many apps makes me delete everything anyway. I get easily overwhelmed by notifications. Haha

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Haha. You obviously need snacks is at that time. It’s hard not snacking at night when you’re in the habbit of it. You should pre make some snacks just for that time and try to stick with only eating those. Give yourself savory and sweet options so no matter what you’re craving you’ve got it covered. I get pretty cranky when I feel like I’m denying myself something that I want, this gives me a taste of what I’m craving without putting myself over my limit. I’ll post a few good snack options in a bit.

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You are the best! Thank you!

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Snacks! I’m a HUGE snacker. Seriously, I could go an entire day on just snacks alone, annnnd that’s why I need to be In this group :joy: here are my favorite low calorie snacks. I’ll try to keep them under 150 calories. Add your favorites too! I’m not the healthiest or most creative but these are what I do regularly.


Granola bar with 8oz coconut almond milk (135cals)

Apple with 2tbs pb2 beanut butter (145 cals) you can add cinnamon or 3-4 chocolate chips

Light &fit Greek yogurt -great frozen- (80cals)

.5cup cottage cheese and .5cup blueberries (160)


4 slices of Turkey 1tbs cream cheese (105cal)

3oz Baby carrots, (or broccoli) 2tbs opa tzatziki ranch (65 cals)

.25 medium avocado mashed with salt and pepper, 5ritz crackers (145)

1 cup chicken or vegetable broth (35cals)


Well, I joined a gym, more to have something healthy to do in the evenings instead of drinking. And I’m just losing weight without trying right now because my job is physically demanding and I’m not drinking an extra 2K empty calories or more every day. I am generally a healthy eater and don’t eat emotionally but I understand the desire to have support that isn’t of the gym rat variety. I know I’m going to.plateau and would love some support for doing it healthily without judgement.


Heading out for a run, my dance clothes are set up right ahead of where I’ll come in the house with resistance bands, weights, and a yoga mat. I haven’t been feeling as limber as I like to feel so I’m determined to breathe through it when I get home :joy::muscle::dancing_women:


Ooh I love apple with PB. Dont forget applesauce, it’s not just for toddlers. You get pretty full from a 50 calorie serving - and this time of year it’s basically free! Good mixed with yogurt too.

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6 days of food tracking are done, now I know what I need to change. Too much carbs and too much fat :confounded::sob: Things like pasta and meat really contain more calories as I thought


Pasta and carbs in general are my vice. It SUPER sucks! Honestly you can still eat them so long as you measure it out pretty well, but eyeballing those things is pretty tricky. I eat a ton of veggies with them and make myself eat them first, it makes the pasta and meat seem more filling even with smaller portions.

Today I was terrible on carbs. I had toast AND pancakes. I just keep it to small amounts. :joy:


So, r we going to use My Fitness Pal app for this group? I’ll download if that is the consensus. Thanks.bitmoji-20180904011653


Seems like it!

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