Sober without classes?

I can relate to this big time. I did same thing except I live across the road from 3 bars. I’m currently 1248 days sober. I was just curious if anyone else was having luck without classes too. They weren’t for me. Not very religious tbh and classes give all the credit to religion it seems like. But anyway glad to hear you made it too! Congrats on your sobriety!!!


Everyone has to choose their own way. I would say give it another chance. It is a bit strange at first. There are several things that I do not like about AA, but it really helped me a few years ago when I was in a very dark place.
I am not currently in the program either, but I am open to it. I get on here everyday and listen to Recovery elevator and quit lit audio books in the car.
I am considering going back myself, mainly because I dont have any friends anymore.


I tried it. It is really a bizarre way of living and very dogmatic. If it works for someone, fine, but it has about a 90 % failure rate. The nicest thing is the other sober people, but being sober is no big deal. The vast majority of people are normal and couldn’t care less if you drink or not. They either enjoy your company or not. I also think that being convinced one has a disease is just plain wrong and has no scientific proof. If you had cancer or asthma and you got stuck on a deserted island, you’d still be sick. If you drank way too much, you would suddenly be cured of that. If you quit smoking, it is over and done and you are no longer a smoker. According to them, if you quit drinking, you are still an alcoholic. It is illogical crap.

I tried AA and it wasnt working. So I did do some counseling, but other than that I’ve been doing it on my own.


That’s an interesting take. So if one has a drinking problem, all they have to do is stop and they are cured and no longer an alcoholic? How long does one need to abstain before they can drink again? Asking for a friend…


Calling it “illogical crap” is offensive and demeaning to members who base their recovery on the AA program.
Everyone travels their own unique path and this forum is about creating friendships and connection not arguments and negative opinion.
There are many programs that we may agree or disagree with but showing a little respect goes a long way.


Seems like you’ve got it all figured out! That’s amazing. Thanks for sharing this and showing many of the members in this community with significant sober time living their best lives the error of their ways.


also think that being convinced one has a disease is just plain wrong and has no scientific proof. Actually just about all medical science would agree that it is a disease. Sorry that it didn’t work out for you. It dosent matter how people get clean and sober as long as it works for them. If you said standing on your head for 10 hours a day is what worked for you I think people would be happy you found something that worked not shit on your recovery process.


I don’t have a drinking problem I have a thinking problem that’s the difference good luck on your journey :pray:t2:


No scientific proof. Come to Wisconsin. Meet my parents. I’ll show u proof. It is a disease. SMH


Let’s keep on topic. We are all entitled to our own opinions. It’s OK to disagree but let’s all be respectful of each other’s journeys. We are all here for support and community :hugs:

Pls refresh on the rules before continuing discussion here.


I am on topic and it’s my opinion. But thanks :+1:t3:

Hi there, I am also a moderator on the forum, as Sian is. I see you are a newer member and as such maybe not clear on how reply and staff notices work…

Sian was not replying directly to you. When a notice shows in yellow as shown, it is a moderator / staff message for the thread as a whole. If she had been responding directly to you, she would have hit Reply to your post and you would see your avatar in her reply, which was not the case.

Just wanted to help clear this up as it appears to be a bit of a misunderstanding on reply and staff notices.:slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. My bad. Just some things strike a nerve🤦‍♂️


I understand, we all go through periods of raw emotion for sure. As well as a learning curve on the forum. We have all been there.


Good on you. I think this app is decent place to hear things but lots of people will jump on you for any sobriety that is not done with the 12 steps. I, like you, find them not helpful at all. They are bizarre at best. The only good thing about it was some pretty decent people, but they sort of morphed into a hive mind when recovery comes up. It is not necessary. Just try a period of abstinence, and if your life improves there’s your answer, if not, just as valid an answer. I think I have a better, clearer life abstinence. It sucks that it took so long to realize it, but I have. Them the breaks.

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People jump on you because you’ve been bad mouthing there way of staying sober , if AA is not for you then it’s it’s not for you but it works for a lot of people


Amazing how the AA crowd get so upset at me, then throws shade sideways. “asking for a friend.” Weak. Why can’t you understand the logic of the smoker who quits being no longer a smoker. The drinker who stops is no longer a drinker. They are not in remission from drinking or smoking. If they start again, they are a drinker or smoker again. Many doctors, although often challenged, do not believe in it as a disease. It is far from a universally agreed concept, but it serves the recovery industrial complex poorly if it is not. They would not get paid. No worry about that. It is entrenched. I just happen to side with the many doctors who do not consider it one. Is it a shit part of being human, yes. But at least it is easily curable by omission.

Since you have came on this app you have been very negative towards AA maybe stay in your lane and keep the negative comments to yourself AA has saved peoples lives if it’s not for you then fine :+1:t2:


Wtf is the point to all u your posts🤔 for real. AA doesn’t work for u. Ok. Leave it at that. It’s real simple. If your not supporting someone or their ideas on how to stay sober, then dont say shit. K? Glad we had this talk. Hopefully u can continue your sobriety without being disrespectful to everyone on here. A lot of people on here would really appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.