Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

He was a very good writer and very sharp thinker too. Gone too soon.


:rofl::rofl::clap::clap::clap:brilliant @Mno

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Thank you that speaks volumes right now. Being in the “only” a few days phase makes it hard to come across as serious about my sobriety but I’m getting there!

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I am too and we are doing the best we can :black_heart:

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Thought this was pretty cool :black_heart:


Yup, it can happen. Living proof of same.


I had a 67 Year old guitar student once,

He was retired and a widow, and of course I asked why he didn’t take lessons earlier, he said he had other priorities, wife, kids, job mortgages Yano that grown up stuff I still avoid.

So now it was his turn to do something he personally enjoys


:black_heart::black_heart: so amazing

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It’s definitely his time :black_heart::black_heart:

Was at a wedding last weekend. Very religious Christian. Actually the most I’ve ever experienced that level of the Christian faith. It was a totally sober event and it was lovely for it. Went back to the hotel about 8pm (I was so ready for PJs at that point!) and there was a wedding on. Loud music, shouting, banging down the corridors at 2am and of course the wonderful sound of morning vomiting from next door’s room :see_no_evil::rofl:

Has anyone ever been to a sober atheist wedding? Or generally any sober parties? It made me realise that I don’t think I have. I feel like there is a good mix to be had. Bit more hedonism, a lot less vomiting :face_with_hand_over_mouth:👯‍♀

I have seen a sober clubbing company near me, they are doing an event this weekend which I am probably not going to make. Looks fun though.


I don’t think I’ve ever been to a ‘atheist wedding’. Do they exist? I’ve been to weddings that didn’t involve religion yes. But never seen or heard people exclaim their non-belief in front of the wedding officer (if that’s the right term).


That’s an interesting take, come to think of it like @Mno said is there such thing as a atheist wedding, most people I know that want a non religious wedding just go to the justice of the peace in the US and have the ceremony in private and then the reception,

I had friends who were non-religious, I don’t know if they were atheist, but the grooms brother was a minister capable of performing wedding ceremonies, so he conducted the ceremony without any reference to religion, Bible verses etc. no mention of a God or anything he said he just had to write out a script to adjust cause it was new to him.

It wasn’t a sober wedding and I wasn’t sober then, I have been to one sober wedding many years ago


As a non believer i’m doing it all by myself no one is helping me staying sober the only thing i need is motivation. I think with the right mindset you can do anything and i got it when my daughter walked out on me, i hope she will get back to me that’s why i’m motivated to stay sober…first i do it for myself and second for my daughter.


Hi Hennie, it’s good to see you here. And congrats on your sobriety. As a fellow non believer I agree there’s no god helping me to stay sober. I have to do it myself. However, as a humanist and addict, I am strongly convinced that I can’t do it all alone. I need my fellow humans and my fellow addicts to make my life and sobriety work.

It was active addiction that made me believe I had to do it all myself, with the substances I abused as my only ’ friends’. Now I am sober I have to work my sobriety to make it work. That work includes meeting and interacting with people, addicts and non-addicts. Alone this is all too much for me. Together we can make it. One day at a time.

It makes me glad to see you here, sober and on your personal journey. Wishing you all success Hennie.


I probably just mean a sober wedding that isn’t sober because everyone there is quite religious. Possibly humanist weddings? I’ve been to a humanist funeral.

@Fury in the UK if you get married in a registry office (e.g. at the city council offices) then I think you are actually not allowed to mention religion. You either have to do it one way or another.

Something I did like from the religious service was the singing. Not experienced that at a non religious wedding I don’t think.

More sober singing and dancing should be part of all celebrations IMO!


I kinda like @Mno version…at the end the loudly exclaim their athiesm…i don’t know why but the mental picture of that makes me smile


I have been to quite a few non religious weddings over the years. My niece 4 years ago was the most recent, lovely ceremony overlooking the ocean. A friend presided. For my 1st wedding, a friend who was a notary wed us…up on a mountain. My 2nd was in Jamaica and it was on a beach. A minister presided, but he kept God out of it for us.

Now a sober wedding? I don’t recall if I ever did, so I doubt it.


I haven’t been to an entirely sober party, but the only parties we have attended since we moved to this city are with a group of other 40+ somethings who are more responsible, with their kids in attendance, and the vibe is great. The 80+ grandparents and their friends were there, too. People bring their own beverages, whether alcohol or not, don’t drink to excess from what I can tell, and it’s not a rip roaring shit show. It’s still a lot of fun, music, some dancing, running around with the kids (I do like that!) and laughing and telling stories. It has been a night and day experience from the kind of partying we did back in Arizona. No pressure at all to imbibe, not centered around drinking, no crazy shenanigans.

I have never been to a sober or an atheist wedding, but I have been to a couple weddings that did not have a religious element, one where the officiant got their “license” or whatever to conduct weddings online! It was a very hippie type wedding, probably my favorite. Bonfire, potluck and everyone playing music for the reception. Not sober though!


See if I got married I would do something like that

Fuck that I do and our first expedition of marriage is this mountain pile of debt, because we had to have a huge wedding that cost a small fortune.

I’d prefer a non religious ceremony, and a simple potluck party, if you want to drink BYOB, live music have a good time cause it’s a miracle that I did this. Total costs probably 500 bucks.


It’s basically what I did. Civil ceremony with my parents and his grandma and aunt at the court house, and at a later date an open house style reception for people to come and go (friends and coworkers of my parents, some of my coworkers and acquaintances) with a buffet style catered BBQ and we only offered non-alcoholic drinks. Then that night we had a massive bonfire and afterparty of that style I described but that was definitely booze and drug fueled. We also asked people to give gifts of $ instead of gifts because we were moving across the country to go to grad school and didn’t want more stuff.
