Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Humanistic Approach to Addiction Treatment

One approach simply states that everyone has free will.
We can choose our actions and our behaviors. While nature certainly plays a major role in life, our ability to nurture one another can be life-changing, truly, truly life-changing. Find the uniqueness in each individual around you and show them it’s greatness
One of your greatest gifts as a human being is that you have all the ability in the world to be a person in their life that tells them that their Real Self is enough and great and worthy of love…
Love can break barrier’s that keep us in a seemingly never ending ball of turmoil.
Me likey :sparkles: :revolving_hearts: :sparkles:


I really like that! Thank you for sharing!


agnosticism=I don’t know, go figure it out for yourself and for your Life. :alien: :hatching_chick:
This word(agnostic) best describes my stance.
Though certain subject matter comes with different experiences that I may or may not still be gaining knowledge in or about.
Or lets say I remain open minded.

If I don’t MIND it don’t matter.
This is a good principle to get sober on.
( )u u u
Figure 2.12: The ∆++ in the quark model.
Once we have three flavours of quarks, we can ask the question whether more flavours exists. At the
moment we know of three generations of quarks, corresponding to three generations (pairs). These give
rise to SU(4), SU(5), SU(6) flavour symmetries. Since the quarks get heavier and heavier, the symmetries
get more-and-more broken as we add flavours.
Quark label spin Q/e mass (GEV/c2)
Colour symmetry
So why don’t we see fractional charges in nature? If quarks are fermions– spin 1/2 particles– what about
antisymmetry? Investigate the ∆++, which consists of three u quarks with identical spin and flavour and
symmetric spatial wavefunction,
ψtotal = ψspace × ψspin × ψflavour.
This would be symmetric under interchange, which is unacceptable. Assume that there is an additional
quantity called colour, and take the colour wave function to be antisymmetric:
ψtotal = ψspace × ψspin × ψflavour ×

Knowing this sets me into a meditative PEACE and ALL is well.

I was reflecting today on a recent session I had with my therapist and I thought of your post here, about this insight you reached about your relationship with yourself. I am walking what feels like a similar path. Not exactly the same, but a similar feel.

I don’t think I ever developed a conscious attention to self-care when I was younger. I had a safe home and a good school and I always had food to eat and a place to sleep - which I am grateful for :innocent: - but looking back, I think I didn’t go deeper, into the self that was living in that home, attending that school, eating those meals. It’s like I was going through the motions without caring for who I was, without caring for the person who was living that life, making those choices; without taking time to see that person and listen to his voice: the voice that comes to us at a level below language and thought; the voice that comes to us in our gut, our feelings, our raw emotion (pain, pleasure, hope, fear, …).

My therapist gave me a couple of exercises to do for grounding myself and taking time to be with myself: some simple body scanning exercises, and also a visualization exercise that we practiced in the last session, using an EMDR technique (very cool how it worked; it’s not recommended to do EMDR on your own at home but if your therapist has some training in it, it can be an eye-opening experience). (The visualization is a campsite, which is my calm place: the lake, the sound of the water hitting the shore, the sound of the breeze in the trees, the smell of evergreen trees, the firewood stacked for cooking the delicious meal we’ll enjoy tonight. That visual was combined with some eye movements my therapist worked through with me in the session. I don’t do the eye movements at home, but the visual I keep as a calming image and feeling.)

I remember looking at my therapist and saying, “It can’t be this simple. There has to be more.” Of course, the fruits of this calming, centring work (which includes a deeper, everyday sense of calm and presence) come from daily practice - ODAAT, am I right? :innocent: - so it takes effort but it’s not complicated to be there for myself, to attend to myself.

It’s simple. It’s not always easy, but it is simple.

It’s weird. It’s been an up-and-down journey getting here but I’m very grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn, from the people around me and from the people on TS, about this journey: where and who I was, and where I am now, and where I can go (and who I can become) next.


Ok so I’m going to try and link a thread here if anyone is interested :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you, Rob!

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Yay and you’re welcome!!! :hugs::sunglasses::metal:t2:

I’ve noticed that many things in Life are so Paradoxical.
I don’t believe in coincidences.
Deja Vu
I traveled roughly 24,000 miles yesterday but it seemed just like I was standing still.
Many things try and spank you, keep an open Mind.
PEACE :rainbow: :sunny: :rainbow:

There is a feeling of “The Universe is against me”
But when that changes to a knowing of “The Universe is for me”
It becomes a game changer in sobriety.
Then I can see how I used alcohol to survive the angst of living in flight or fight.
When you can see how the Energy of The Uni-verse is working you learn where the switches are.
PEACE :rainbow: :sunny: :rainbow:

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Personally, I’m a bit more of a the-universe-is-indifferent guy. I don’t think the universe roots for or against us, or that it is even capable of caring. But that means it’s on me to create my own sobriety and to decide what it means for me. Existential recovery.


There are literally hundreds of threads on this forum where you can discuss your HP and or god. Literally, hundreds.

This is not one of those threads. We ask that you be respectful of that.


My thoughts too @TS66!!!


I’ve always found this idea of looking inside us, to our nucleus, our centre, our driving forces - I’ve found that idea to be very empowering. It’s so common to see or hear (or do, ourselves) the ‘the-solution-is-out-there-I-have-to-do-that’ thinking - the thinking that’s about projecting responsibility (and also surrendering responsibility, and therefore also surrendering personal power) - but ultimately that gets us nowhere.

When I was in school I learned about this concept of “flow” and it is a fascinating idea: there is a state where we are immersed in something constructive for us, where we are feeling the electricity of connections and creation, and where we are in “flow”. It can happen in families, at work, in sports, in just about any area of human action.

And the idea of creating my own sobriety, taking personal responsibility for that, I think is supported by this experience of “flow”: really digging deep to who we are, at our core.

The original researcher and author about flow explains it here:


For me, being part of the universe means we’re in this together. It’s all about connection and we’re all connected. Everything is. We have to make it together. Isolating, being alone, is denial of being part of humanity, of this living world, and in the end denial of being part of the universe.

Everything I’ve learned since I started my journey of Recovery/Discovery comes down to me learning to connect. Connect with my fellow humans first. But we can extrapolate that literally endlessly until we end up with being connected to the universe at large. Although at this moment in time trying to connect with my fellow human beings is big enough a task for me. The universe has to wait for a bit. But we’re all part of the universe right.

Through my life’s circumstances and through my character and personality I isolated myself since early childhood. Substance abuse and other addictive behaviours only made my isolation and my isolating worse and worse through the decades. Sobriety and my subsequent journey of Discovery have given me the chance to work on reversing this process. It’s hard work but it’s a work of love.

Looking for happiness is not an aim in itself I think. We have to look for fulfilment, through connecting to one another, through living a right and righteous life, through trying to advance ourselves and our fellow man (and other creatures too). That way we might find happiness.

Anyway, we should keep it simple I feel. I do for sure. Let me work on finding connection, on making connection. The rest will follow. We have to do it together. If there’s something I believe in, it is that.


This has been upheld and challenged many times

People on supervised release or probation/parole for drug charges. Were often told as part of their release they had to attend AA meetings. The Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in many instances because AA refers to spirituality or higher powers often “God” which infringed on the parolees freedom of religion by mandating them to attend a Faith based program



Cosmos was an awe inspiring show, I so enjoyed it. Carl Sagan was an epic human.