Soberity and no alcohol

Sober from alcohol day 1, need your guys support to help me cut of the poison guys…we r all in this together.


Welcome. You will find plenty of support here in the threads. I hope to see you around, vibrates on n choosing a better life :slightly_smiling_face:

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Me too day 1


Welcome to TS!

I read as much as I could here during those first few months ( I still seem to read a lot here :grin: ). Reading everyone else’s stories really helped me feel like I finally belonged somewhere after never having that feeling in my life. I hope you get that feeling too and you stick around. :slight_smile:


Thankyou…i have failed many times but yes this time i will for sure stick around and get through my goal…you all are so lovely and supportive…:heart:


Hmmmm, I don’t consider it failing. I think maybe we are just not ready when it doesn’t stick. Maybe we don’t have enough tools, or maybe we don’t understand our problem well enough. Failure is a negative thing and with all the shame and remorse already attached to addiction, I think we all need to give ourselves a bit of a break. You are here and you are trying again, that’s a win. :slight_smile:


Loved your reply there ,its true only when your truly ready sick lonely but friends all around you but still the bottles your best friend, but its not ,its the poison thats stopping you living your life to your true potential, but it takes a long time to find that moment that desperation that it is not your friend not your medicine its your f–king worst nightmare, i cant seem to stop posting lol i just want to help everyone like ive been helped by the lot of you ,i read read and read and it all helps me ,alcohol only became my real problem when i hit 40 but god did it do a good job on me ,i honestly never thought i could do it ,but i am and im so chuffed with myself ,even my family have commented on how much better im looking ,before xmas i collapsed thought i was on my way out missed 2 shifts at a new job called up pissed ,passed out on the street lost my dog thank god he wasnt knocked down ,my hands were tingling had pains in my side my face eyes were full off fluid ,i just knew that it was time to throw in the towel ,stop kidding myself awe youve done well you deserve a drink ,cause its never one ,and i now know it never will be ive tryed and tested that a few times and its always brought me back to the beginning, i dont want anymore beginnings ,ive stopped wondering why im a alcoholic and how i cant just drink normally, ive just accepted i cant ,for me thats the key ,when i first joined aa a great woman took me under her wing and she was so happy 23 yrs sober with no relapses and she just said if you dont pick up that first drink you cant get drunk ,then i thought once i get it in check i can i will be fine i can have one lol no it was the bottle ,now i get her ,dont start and you wont need to stop ,i sat at my mums yesterday and my brothers who is a alcoholic has been for 25 yrs and his gf came in they all had drinks i had a iron bru lol and you know what i wasn’t tempted, normally id have left went to the shops and drank in the house like i always did but something in me has shifted ,and i think that is finally the message of that first drink ,took a while a long while but im finally here ,good luck to everyone whatever stage your at ,hopefully we will all find the right path at some point as its no life its just really a existence and thats no life

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Keep pushing, 1 day at a time

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Thanks for sharing. It really helps me :purple_heart:

Am here for you bro, keep praying and do your best and leave the rest for God.

Thankyou so much this is all i needed…i never knew i could come across through such a good supportive people over here… I use to feel like i cant this do this alone because i cant share with anyone about my drinking problem most likely people i know from my community tend to judge you…and its not very comfortable around them to share about this, and plus so much going on with my life so much problem including family and relationship its very difficuilt to cope up…sometimes i feel like i would rather die…then i look at my parents…I cant… always when I felt like recovering myself drinking just made it even worse…everytime I drink I wake up feeling guilty… im trying to make myself strong just I needed a little motivation just someone to tell me “you are not alone” I am so proud of all of the people struggling and trying to recover♥️ Love you all!

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We love you too we are here for you things will get better trust me you just have to keep fighting and all your battles will be won.


Day 4 for me. It has been challenging but I am trying to focus on the positives. Try to distract yourself with things to keep your mind from wandering to drinking. Get outside in the sun for some vitamin D. One day at a time…you’ve got this! We all have faith in you. :heart:


Same for me. Day 1 :heartpulse:

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Welcome Chanae! You can find much support here. Wishing you all success. If you want to get to know the forum a bit better, maybe you could have a look at this topic:

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Keep it up it gonna get better.