
Hello, im a mom of 2 and I have a bad habbit of drinking, doing coke and bars. I really only do it when I feel stressed but it has got me into alot of trouble. Idk why I cant stop. Im not addicted because I dont do it everyday or every week. But i still do it

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It’s tough, I got into a habbit of a bottle of wine a night, weekend and Sunday 2 or more bottles…It never started like this, but trust me, addictions grow, until we try to address them…break it now before it breaks you xxx


We all get stressed at times and alot of people deal with it in different ways but you just got to tell yourself that its not the right choice think about what you have got before you do it again i am a dad of 3 with a bad drinking habbit and this is only day1 for me stopping it for the kids and myself cocain is dangerous that 1 line and your kids may not have a mam …

Hope you manage your stress in different ways be stong :facepunch:


Not judging at all but just so you know an addict isn’t a everyday drinker or user it’s someone who uses or drinks as a solution to there problem. If you feel like you just can’t stop and you do it as a solution to your problems you might have a problem. Again not judging just informing.

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It’s a bad habit. You can stop. If you stay home and don’t go to the bars would you still use coke? Could you stay home a few weekends in a row so that you aren’t tempted? I’m a mom of 3 and had a similar problem. I just decided it wasn’t cute or even fun anymore. I would always want to die the next day and feel like a horrible person and mom so I stopped. My life is one million percent better and yours can be too girl!

I used to drink on weekends in the bars too. That is called being a periodic drinker which is alcoholic drinking. You r one of us. Welcome to the circus.

Just because the circus has left town doesn’t mean the monkey is off my back.

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